Transition Whatcom

On June 2, the TWIG (Transition Whatcom Initiating Group members) held a meeting at the Sustainable Living Center, open to all Transition Whatcom members. The purpose of the meeting was for all members to collaborate to design the next stage of Transition Whatcom's organizational structure, into which new leadership could plug in.

It was agreed to hold a follow-up 4-hour meeting on June 16, 6 – 10 pm, at the Community food Co-op Connections Building on Garden Street. Social potluck begins at 5:30 pm.

There was a concern about people attending the 2nd meeting who hadn't attended the first, that we could get bogged down going over again all that was covered. Those who missed the June 2 meeting should read the attached notes,  find someone to bring them up to date on what was discussed, and arrive early for a briefing on what was previously discussed.

Please read the attached report to prepare for the follow-up meeting June 16, 6 – 10 pm.
Arrive 5.30 pm for a potluck meal and to get update from other members.

The attached report was prepared by Brita Adkinson, with editing by Sandy Hoelterhoff, Kate Clark, and David MacLeod.

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Attached here is Kate Clark's model that was presented at the June 2nd meeting. The attached diagram is drawn differently than presented June 2nd, but is essentially the same concept.

Kate writes: "In this model a “Workgroup” is either the TW HUB, the (legal/insurance/etc) Advisory Workgroup, or one of the GENERAL categories of workgroups- food, transport, energy, healthcare, etc. (should be 8-10 of those, based on Rob’s and other TI groups’ recommendations).

Mostly what we have on our site is Project Groups, like the Perennial Project, Expression Arts, Community Living, etc. They can and should “find” their umbrella workgroup category- and then chooses someone to represent all of them at the Core Leadership level. This need not be the group coordinator necessarily- as I do understand it would be a lot of work.

I made it circular as that seems to appeal to people- same setup as I had before though. Let me know if you have any questions. As I told Sandy, it might be useful for everyone to think about what you expect the ROLE of the Core Leadership is to be, in order to know which groups should be represented and who else should be in it.

Also, I suggest any “parties” to “pollinate” and support between project groups be a different event than a Core Leadership group meeting that will involve sharing information and making decisions."

Also attached is a model that was suggested for Transition Portland.
I (David MacLeod) suggested this model in our very early TWIG meetings. This is very similar to Cindi L's model (which I don't have available for upload yet).
Attached in this reply is Ron Snyder's model. Ron approaches it from the perspective of running a "backdoor" transition initiative in Blaine (what we refer to as a neighborhood TI). Ron says "The Hub of Transition is the keeper of steps 1-5. This way towns and communities are free to get on with the work of building resilience without reinventing the Transition bureaucracy in every community."

Also attached is a list of activities happening in Blaine and how they relate to the 12 steps of Transition.
And attached to this reply is the Model sent to me by Ron Horn.
Ron writes, ", I believe that a new organizational model is needed to promote people power--people working cooperatively and exercising power from the bottom up. We need to tap into the energy and creativity that lies in ordinary people at the grassroots to direct and support those who take on more public roles on behalf of the organization. The following features summarize these considerations..."

Part one is the rational for Ron's Model "C"
Part two is the diagram of his model.
Attached here is an improved diagram from Ron Horn
Thanks David, Brita, & all for the work you've put into this.
It is a lot to read, and I'll make an effort to have it all read before attending Weds.
I like the KISS model- Keep It Simple...Sweetheart! (and you thought I was going to say, "Stupid", didn't you)

Some are having trouble finding the attachment with the June 2 meeting notes. It's at the bottom of the discussion, under the "Share, Twitter, Facebook" links, where it says "Attachments." Kind of hard to see, I know.

Here is the link to the notes:
Just got the notes from our 2nd meeting on June 16th from Brian Carpenter. Brian says "My notes were really only useful up to the point that proposals started being offered, so I cut it off there"

See attachment below.
Please note that I just added tonight's agenda to the Event listing. Sorry this is being posted so close to the meeting, but please remember we are all volunteers with busy lives, and sometimes things don't get finalized until the last minute.


1. Facilitator Alan Seid establishes a note taker
2. Principles of Transition Reading from David MacLeod
3. Cindi Landreth and David Marshak present "Our Best Shot at a Synthesis" model.
"We did our best to synthesize what we heard from the last 2 meetings and created a model that we will be voting on tonight as to whether to adopt. "
4. Alan Seid facilitates Clarification and Q&A about the model presented.
5. Official vote.
6. The process for applying for Core Group
7. Closing

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