Transition Whatcom

It was a tremendous effort! Nine proposals were submitted. Three were chosen. Four are funded. We will offer support to the rest of the proposal writers to eventually help get their projects off the drawing board and onto the ground!

Drumroll please..........


Category:  Rural        Proposal:  Curry Preserve Homestead Orchard - Lummi Island

Transition Whatcom is excited to assist the Lummi Island Transition Team and the Lummi Island Heritage Trust in completing phase one of their island-wide food tree planting project!  This project entails rehabilitating the old homestead orchard at Curry Preserve on Lummi, including clearing, leveling, and tilling the area and then planting and maintaining 31 fruit and nut trees.  The bounty will be a community resource for all to share.  Transition Whatcom is providing $350 for the final round of trees, mostly apples.


The work party will be at 9am on Saturday May 14th and is on Lummi Island.  If people would like to volunteer at this site, they can call Randy Smith at 306-1172 for directions and instructions.


Category: Urban   Proposal:  Food Bank Garden at Core Kinetics Pilates Studio, Railroad & Maple

This project will add to and renovate parts of the Food Bank Garden using Placemaking concepts and led by Paul Kearsley and Michael Cook of City Repair. Public art, perennial installations, bed-building using Urbanite, and other activities will make this a fun place to beautify and expand.

The workparty will start at 9 am on Saturday May 14th. We will meet at the gate on the west side along the alley facing Cornwall Ave.  Tools and materials provided, bring gloves. Please sign up in the Events listing for Placemaking Workparty - Food Bank Garden.


Category: Urban   Proposal:  BUGS Garden and Green Space installation 

Right down the alley from the Food Bank Garden - BUGS will lead the installation of a garden and greenspace that will provide runoff filtration, community garden space, relaxing green space for adjacent housing complex, as well as food and habitat. Coordinating is happening with nearby businesses Plantas Nativas, Alteration Art Studio, Creative Openings and the HUB.

The work party will start at 10 am on Saturday May 14th. We will meet at the parking lot across from the Hub. Try to bike to this event. Tools and materials will be provided. Bring gloves. Please sign up in the Event listing for BUGS garden installation, May 14th. We will also have the chance to work between the Food Bank Garden site and the BUGS site as they are close together.


Category: Urban        Proposal:  Bellingham Senior Activities Center Garden

The Bellingham Senior Activity Center (BSAC) in partnership with Sustainable Bellingham, Forest Garden Urban Ecology Center, Center for Service-Learning @ WWU and the Max Higbee Center is installing a vegetable garden on the BSAC grounds.  The garden will provide nutritious, locally grown food for seniors.  It will also provide seniors and adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to participate in planning, creating and maintaining the garden.  It will encourage public involvement and will provide opportunities for people of different ages and abilities to work together and learn from each other.

No volunteers are needed at present.


To see all the events for the weekend, and to SIGN UP to VOLUNTEER, please see the EVENTS page! Starting with the Placemaking Workshop on Friday evening, and ending with a gathering at Boundary Bay on Sunday at 5 pm, we'll learn, work and celebrate together - This is a not to be missed event!

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Hi Heather,

Did you see the application? It's just below the blurb as an attachment. As you go about finding participants, the application hopefully will help you.

Sounds like a super great project idea.


Heather K said:

Such good news!   "Create a Project • Get Support  • Start Changing the World!"

I'm visioning finding a group with a site to build a community greenhouse or hoop house.  I'll pass the word.  

 Let me know how I can help & add me to your email list.


Here is a PPT Presentation I will be using at the Assembly Meeting today to describe the work Transition US is doing and to summarize the Transition Whatcom support proposal process.

-Create a Project

-Get Support

-Start Chaning the World!



Thanks for the update Juliet - some great projects!

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