Time: July 14, 2013 from 1pm to 6pm
Location: Center For Local Self-Reliance (CLSR)
Street: 107 Chuckanut Drive
City/Town: Bellingham WA
Website or Map: http://www.caretakershouse.or…
Event Type: member, meeting
Organized By: TWOG
Latest Activity: Aug 8, 2013
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Music, BBQ, Potluck and Painting Party
Put the date on your schedule for this yearly TW 'bash'. Meet other TW members, share food from your garden and celebrate!
Location: Center For Local Self-Reliance (Park at the Fairhaven Park lot and its just a short walk to the CLSR site)
If you want to join in the painting work party you might want to bring along a painting shirt! Extra paint brushes would be good too!
Time: 1PM- 6PM
Potluck at 3:30PM
(A small number of BBQ grills will be available if you want to bring something to grill and maybe to share!)
Thanx for you comment. We will get better at planning events and posting specific times. Now that we have some additional TWOG help we will be making these events much more member 'friendly'.
Please let us know what you would like these events to 'be about' and what you would find valuable, fun and something you would really want to attend! Just leave your thoughts here or on the (soon to be posted) announcement for the next event (or email us at twog at transitionwhatcom dot org.
I plan to arrive before 6pm...If you all leave before 6pm, please someone phone me so I don't make the long drive down there.
Christopher Nunn et al will join us, though the exact time is unknown: currently jamming on the islands.
We still need you!
Any more info on the music? Who and When?
Hey, one of the BBQ's is not going to make it to the party. If anyone has a small BBQ or hibachi (plus some charcoal) to bring, it would not be turned away!
I may stop by after the Cajun concert on the Village Green from 2 - 5. Thanks!
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