Time: October 5, 2012 at 8am to October 7, 2012 at 7pm
Location: Port Townsend
Website or Map: http://www.northwestpermacult…
Event Type: educational
Latest Activity: Oct 17, 2012
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The Fifth Annual Northwest Permaculture Convergence- near Port Towsend. Mark your calendars & enjoy the state park & bioregional friends!
Remember to register, volunteer, and hope to see you there!
Event details will be updated on their event website-
This years NW Permaculture Convergence was the best ever! The highlight was the skillshare section! Irene Hinkle has presented basket weaving at all three regional skillshares this year. We had excellent keynote speakers, great breakout sessions, yummy food, music & dancing, and sunny weather in a location surrounded by the Salish Sea!
Next year's NW Permaculture convergence will be in Oregon, most likely in Sept.
And Salish Sea permaculturists are starting to vision hosting an American Continents convergence in a few years!
November 9-11, 2012 will be the NW Inland Permaculture Conference at Missoula University, Montana! http://inlandnorthwestpermaculture.com/
Hi all! Online registration ends at midnight tonight. If you see this please register while you can. You can of course register in person when you arrive, but any numbers help us with planning meals, etc, ahead of time.
The permaculture convergence is one of my favorite events held in our bioregion! Imagine learning from a wide range of farmers, gardeners, permaculture educators & designers, in an outdoor setting, and often sharing wisdom & story around the campfire and meal time!
Kids & family are welcomed and integrated. Together we gather and co-create this annual event, this year in a park outside of Port Townsend.
Consider being a volunteer next year, and saving on the registration fee.
Camping for the weekend is only $15.!
Who's up for carpooling from Bellingham?
And check out my blog post about the Convergence:
Hi all! Check out our Presenter's page as we have some great folks signed up to present. It's updated everyday!
The Convergence will feature presentations by teachers and practitioners from all over the region, including Jude Hobbs (Cascadia Permaculture Institute), Michael Pilarski (Friends of the Trees), Andrew Millison (Beaver State Permaculture), Mark Lakeman (City Repair), Marisha Auerbach (Herb’n Wisdom), and many more. Beginning and advanced topics will be available for people of all levels of experience. Project spotlights will include the Port Townsend Ecovillage and the Beacon Food Forest, a design under construction in Seattle that hopes to become the largest and most diverse food orchard on urban public land in the country!
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