Time: April 19, 2012 from 5:30pm to 7pm
Location: Alex Ramel's home
Street: 2308 Woburn St.
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q…
Phone: 360-303-9083
Event Type: how, to, improve, the, sustainability, and, energy, efficiency, of, your, home
Organized By: Shenandoah Myrick
Latest Activity: Apr 6, 2012
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Please be our guest on Thursday, April 19 from 5:30-7:00 pm for a KulshanCLT Sustainable Homes Party at the home of Alex Ramel, KulshanCLT homeowner and Sustainable Connections Policy and Energy Manager, 2308 Woburn Street, Bellingham. Did you know that Alex and at least 17 more KulshanCLT homeowners improved the sustainability and energy efficiency of their homes by participating in the Community Energy Challenge last year. Join us to share a drink & appetizers and learn how they improved the comfort and longevity of their homes while reducing their carbon footprint and saving on annual energy costs. We will invite you to help give 20 more KulshanCLT homeowners the opportunity to make similar energy efficiency updates in 2012! Please RSVP by Monday, April 16 to Shenandoah Myrick at info@shenandoah4homes.com, 360-303-9083 or Jill Clark jillclark@kulshanclt.org, 360-671-5600 ext 5.
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