Transition Whatcom

January 2011 Blog Posts (13)

1/31/11 - TWOG Blog by Angela Mercy - Seeing with New Eyes

You may have noticed my absence over the last several months.  From early October until recently, my primary focus has been on receiving the gift of new vision.  Due to a hereditary, degenerative corneal disease diagnosed several years ago, my vision was undergoing changes that, left unchecked, would  lead to functional blindness.  Luckily the condition is completely reversible via replacement of my diseased tissue with healthy tissue from cadavers.  On a crisp, clear day (a day on which I…


Added by Twog on January 31, 2011 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Blog from the TWOG- 1/24/11

Hey all- Warren here. We have been doing the blog for a while now and have had some great feedback! We want more!


This post is usually a personal view, not a collective TWOG view- it is a place where we can share our thoughts, hopes and ideas with the wider membership. Once in a while we will insert a shameless plug for something we think is a good idea to pass along. That's what this one is...


I went for a hike along Whatcom Creek with my wife JoAnn and dog…


Added by Twog on January 26, 2011 at 11:39am — 2 Comments

Garden Share & Farmland Exchange: Bellingham & Whatcom

Here are Links for Gardener/Farmers Needing Access To Land - or - by those Offering Land to grow edibles.

Click on the links below to take you to the UrbanGardenShare online program:


Bellingham & beyond UrbanGardenShare link-…


Added by Heather K on January 24, 2011 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Earth Medicine - Mahonia

Learning from Mahonia (or Oregon Grape) - Sharing our wisdom on using plants & fungi as both healing medicine & wild nourishment has taken place generations before the current modern pathway of extracting chemicals & patenting cures.

Gathering with others in a circle to share healing stories, plant identification, and plant/fungi medicine-making, is something more of us are being called to do.



Added by Heather K on January 23, 2011 at 1:30am — No Comments

Shared Leadership - "Seeing Nature - Deliberate Encounters with the Visible World"

Reflections of visions & patterns within nature - to inspire us in creating a resiliant comunity landscape & culture.  

I had just returned from being immersed for 3 weeks in the Olympic Parks ancient forests & shorelines observing the movements & patterns within nature. Now while back in our consumer-culture, I sense the movement & patterns within our community's emergent awakenings, and I am inspired to share words from Paul Krafel's observations of leadership…


Added by Heather K on January 20, 2011 at 8:48pm — 1 Comment

Food shortages never seem to materialize here at least

Seems like food is a bargain compared to the rent or mortgage costs that most people have to pay.  I'm lucky because my rent is fairly reasonable, but folks I know are nearly broke just writing out their rent checks.


As oil gets more expensive, it seems like food is what people think about first.  They say it's going to make food, which uses fossil fuel in its production, scarce.  Strategies for dealing with this situation revolve around growing more of our own food and even…


Added by Robert Ashworth on January 17, 2011 at 9:51pm — 1 Comment

1/17/11 TWOG BLOG by Travis Linds - Living in the Present Moment

Hi, Travis Linds from the TOWG here. I wasn't sure what to write about so I thought I would reflect on my personal struggles to live in the Present.

I have always struggled to live in the Now, stay Present and not dwell on the past nor future. I can look back at my life and see how poorly I have done this at times. I have allowed the fear of the future, doubt…

Added by Twog on January 17, 2011 at 12:05pm — 4 Comments

Local Beef

Hey, where's the beef?  I'd like a bunch of the humanely-treated, grass-fed, locally grown type in my freezer! Anybody interested in going in on buying beef from a local pasture-raised source? If so, let me know!

Added by Jean Kroll on January 12, 2011 at 5:22pm — 7 Comments

My foray into the 100-mile diet: A weaning period

This year I'm testing the waters on the 100-mile locavore diet.  I'm pretty excited about it.  So far my guidelines are to source 95% of my purchased food locally for the year 2011.  (I did not prepare for this experiment.  So, after a night of New Years' revelry, I woke up New Year's Day with a hankering to go out for breakfast and remembered, oh yeah, I'm not doing that anymore).  In order to make this workable, it makes sense to eat the foreign food that I've already got, which buys me…


Added by Laura J Sellens on January 10, 2011 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments

talk on peak oil

I gave a talk on peak oil and energy issues for 10/10/10, and since then have expanded it to a discussion of about an hour and a half.  I have the computer and projector, but not a projection screen upon which to show it.  Would be delighted to give this talk to any group, large or small, in a school or anybody's home or in our home for that matter. [My wife and I run the Axton Road Bed & Breakfast].

This would probably be a good outreach activity even for people not…


Added by Sandy Lawrence on January 10, 2011 at 4:27pm — No Comments

Planning Ahead

Hello Transition Whatcom,



Added by Twog on January 10, 2011 at 3:28pm — No Comments

Changing the Ning site

Sorry if I'm repeating myself,  thought I had responded, but don't see it posted...  I think anything the Twog suggests is well thought-out,   I would agree to it as long as the older posts are easy to find,  as I refer back to them often.   Thanks-

Added by Dianne Foster on January 4, 2011 at 11:02pm — 1 Comment

re: change ning site


I hate to add an opinion, when I'm not sure how it works out in practice, but I would trust the TWOG's judgement, and vote for the change.    As long as it is truly easy to find the old discussions...

Added by Dianne Foster on January 2, 2011 at 12:46am — No Comments

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