Nourishing ourselves through a living relationship with plants & fungi on the land we walk on is a lifelong journey. A first step in deepening our herbal medicine making knowledge is to learn to safely & respectfully harvest for wild salads, soups, teas, salves & tinctures. Harvest only what you can positively identify and leave an abundance to multiply.
Many of us our just beginning the walk, while others have been learning & healing many years. We all have wisdom to share together on this earth-walk. (By sharing our wisdom with each other, we continue our recovery from domination of the corporate-pharmaceutical world view)
Let me know if this resource list is helpful to you. To receive follow up email on additions, click the 'follow' button.
Also see Local Discussion on “Medicinal Plants/Fungi & Ethnobotany In our Gardens, Meadows, Forests & Homes” - (a good local online place to ask questions & share your wisdom)
Share your favorite books & links, and I'll add more later.
* Sections below you can scroll through: Books-Websites-Equipment/Supplies
Books – New & Old:
The Herbalist's Way -The Art & Practice of Healing with Plant Medicines – Nancy & Michael Phillips
The Lost Language of Plants – the ecological importance of plant medicines to life on earth-
- Stephen Harrod Buhner
Sacred Plant Medicine -The Wisdom in Native American Herbalism – Stephen Harrod Buhner
Edible & Medicinal Plants of the West -Gregory L. Tilford
Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West – Micheal Moore
Healing Wise – Susun S. Weed
Childbearing Year – Susun S. Weed
Menopausal Years – The Wise Woman Way (age 30-90) – Susun S. Weed
Pacific Feast – Jennifer Hahn
Identifying & Harvesting Edible & Medicinal Plants – 'Wildman' Steve Brill with Evelyn Dean
Back to Eden- Jethro Kloss (1939)
The Herb Book – John Lust
The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy - Valerie Ann Worwood
Prescription for Nutritional Healing - James F. Balch, M>D. & Phyllis A. Balch CNC
The Therapeutic Herb Manual – Therapeutic Admin. Of Medicinal Herb compounds – Ed Smith
Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas – ISBN 1-882308-42-5
Herbs for Children- A Manual for Parents – Sunny Pendleton Mavor -Stone House Publishing
The Chinese Materia Medica: English & Chinese ISBN 7-81010-111-x or 787810 100010 (SUP Bookstore)
Expanded List for herb Growing/Gardening/Permaculture books for EarthGardeners:
The Way of Herbs - Michael Tierra (thanks Chris W!)
Plant ID Books: (- first learn to ID & hunt without harvesting)
Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast – Pojar & Mackinnon
Pacific Seaweeds – Louis Druehl
A Field guide to Edible Wild Plants (eastern/central n.america)-Lee Allen Peterson
Flora of the Pacific Northwest – C.L. Hitchcock & A. Cronquist
Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest – Steve Trudell & Joe Ammirati
Ethnobotanical & Phytochemical Databases- Dr. Duke's -
Plants for a Future: A great plant-geek & permi website!
Non-Profit Pharmaceutical Company- Research on Plants effecting nerves & perceptions:
i dont see any herbal books
regarding negative effects listed
i may have missed them
stuff like
herb drug interaction
adverse effects
occurs and can be fatal
concerns such as listed above everyone should be aware of
anyone who takes any foods herbs teas etc they usually dont take should be aware of possible bad consequences
talking to a physcian is wise also
heres some books that someone might find useful
herbal contraindications and drug interactions plus herbal adjuncts with medicines expanded fourth edition
nursing herbal medicine handbook third edition
The Essential Herb-Drug-Vitamin Interaction Guide: The Safe Way to Use Medications and Supplements Together by Barry Fox and George T. Grossberga
PDR for Herbal Medicines, 4th Edition
their are other books these are just examples of books that might help you protect yourself
again talking to your physician is wise if for no other reason so they know what your doing
just be aware any changes in dietary intake from your usual can have unexpected effects on you
Dov gave a class on herbs & making tincture at Inspiration Farm. He'll do more in the future. Let him know if you want to be notified of his next class-
There are other wise folks who share their knowledge in healing & herbal medicines. Check the event page weekly and follow the disussion & network online at -
” Medicinal Plants/Fungi & Ethnobotany In our Gardens, Meadows, Forests & Homes..”
Also online learning links at - “Videos- Permaculture & Horticultural Lectures...”
Linda Quintana at Wonderland Tea & county forest garden -
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