Transition Whatcom

Big THANKS to Tom Anderson,   Kate Clark,    Jamie Jedinak,   Cipriano Mauricio,    Jerry Shuster  & Virginia Malmquist,      Joyce Jimerson,   Jean Kroll,   Harper Stone,    Chris Wolf,    Heather Katahdin,  and     Bill Sterling.

You folks did an amazing job with the Skillshare Faire that was attended by nearly 600 community members.  Everyone I talked to had a great time and seemed really appreciative about the event. Lots of good community connections made, and I think a few folks even learned a thing or two! 

It was a lot of work, and you men and women sometimes went beyond the call of duty to make this a worthwhile and smoothly run event.

Warren Miller has posted a number of photos on this site (see upper left corner of the home page - my favorite is re-posted below), and Cipriano Mauricio has a great slide show at

Thanks also to the sponsors: Transition Whatcom, Northsound Energy & Remodel, Samson, Whatcom Folk School, Advanced Solar Energy, Heron Reach Automotive, Earthcare Garden Designs, Sustainable Connections, Sustainable Bellingham, Fourth Corner Exchange, WSU, Neostudio Web Design.

And to the many Volunteers, Presenters, and Performers, some of whom are listed here:

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Thanks for the kind appreciation- we DID work very hard!  We also surprised ourselves that we actually pulled this event off as just never know!  It tells me the time is right. 

The planning team met last night for a round of self-congratulations (!) and then on to thinking about how we can improve for next year.  Highlights- we are thinking of a different venue, perhaps Hovander Park.  We want to include more elders teaching, more music (and music skillshares), and maybe make this a two day event. 

We'll nail down a date and a location soon, and then planning will begin in earnest early next spring.  Thanks to all who volunteered, who donated resources, and to you, David, for bringing your horn and participating in the musical agenda!!  It was so wonderful to have you there- just like old times!


We all continue to receive so many appreciations from the community who attended the skillshare! 

What an amazing community of generous & gifted teachers we have!

Thank you for your support David, and your presence co-creating this event both online & in person!

We are excited to envision another event for next year, bringing together more skillshare presentors, and more bartering!  We envision a longer weekend event to allow more learning & more community relationship building!

For 2013 skillshare sites, we will be considering our past location, and also county parks, state parks, and private land.

We welcome more volunteers to create next years event; Especially a person who would work with our Communication Team on securing more Sponsors who can support the faire with the cash (USD's) expenses.  We would also like to find someone to volunteer to organize our Vendors, and to enhance our Barter element.

Transition Olympia folks had their own skillshare the weekend following ours!

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