Transition Whatcom

Share Your Favorite Online Resources, Books, Videos.


To receive emails of new sources, click the 'Follow' spot on this discussion.


V I D E O S 

“Gardens of Destiny” youtube with Dan Janson of Salt Spring Islands,

Food forest series of 8.      Inspiring to watch!


 Suburban Renewal- One Backyard at a Time”-Jan Spencer


David Holmgren-“Permaculture & Peak Oil: Beyond Sustainability” 2007 -

 "Permaculture Principles with David Holmgren"-     or


Transition Whatcom Video Playlist-



Fava Beans with Farmer Walter H


Closed Canapy Gardening in Prepartion for Edible Forest Garden - Skeeter

 (Heather to also post to  fb page)


Planting Seeds of Change : Woman's Struggle Against Corporate of BioDiversity -Vandana Shiva May 9th 2004 U of CA-Santa Barbara. 50” Our local community is slowly awakening to the importance of local food security, which means seed-sovereignty so we can feed our own community without contamination from GMO – genetically modified organisms from corporate companies who's mission is to not to protect the rights or the people or the rights of the earth's living habitats. (Bio-piracy) quote: "Vandana Shiva is one of the world's most powerful voices for global environmental justice and cultural and ecological diversity. She is the founding director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi. Vandana Shiva is also the author of numerous books including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series" [8/2004] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 8859]"

(Heather post to TW Videos - FB & Seed-Savers group later)





Soil & Health books compiled by Steve Solomon

(thanks Walter H)


Another Online Library (thanks to David M for link)



Permaculture Principles" handbook by David Holmgren


"Future Scenaris " - David Homgren





 Permaculture Course Online – NC State U – 36hrs – Free (thanks Robert P)


Plants for a Future: A great plant-geek & permi website!


The Farmers Garden - sharing produce or looking for local produce:


Friends of the Trees Society, by permaculturist & wild plant forager,   Consider requesting to be on Micheal Pilarski email list.  He often offers apprenticeships, teaches Permaculture Design Courses, is a wild plant forager, and co-creates the Fairy Congress & Singing Alive gatherings!  Micheal  is one of our most beloved 'young elders'!
Friends of the Trees Society - PO Box 826, Tonasket, WA 98855 (509) 486-4056


Gardeners & Garden Share Trades:


 Whatcom County:


Most Frequently Asked Questions to Master Gardeners -


Medicinal Plant Guide to TLC Farm - -Link with good info on native medicinal plants. It includes info on how to use the plant. Thanks to Alain for link!





Books & Videos & Websites – Seed-Saving (from our Seed-Saving group)

 Grains & Beans Books & Visual Resources (from our Small Scale Grain & Bean group)



Books Treasured & Useful-


Links to more local educational opportunities:

"Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) & Reskilling Connections


Views: 312

Replies to This Discussion

Every NW gardener has to have Steve Solomon's two books: Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades and Gardening When It Counts.
Check out the Transition Whatcom YouTube Channel, especially the playlists for Permaculture and Food Security.
Friends of the Trees Society, working for a greener earth since 1978, created by permaculturist & wild plant forager, Micheal Pilarski has sent out his Spring newsletter. Consider requesting to be on his email list, or view his website. He often offers apprenticeships, and teaches Permaculture Design Courses....He is one of our most beloved 'young elders'!
Friends of the Trees Society PO Box 826, Tonasket, WA 98855 (509) 486-4056
"The One-Straw Revolution" - An Introduction to Natural Farming" by Masanobu Fukuoka and English Editor - Larry Korn! Great time to re-read this classic book from the late 70's! Library should have a copy, plus Village Books will have softback reprints by this Thursday.

"The New Organic Grower - A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home & Market Gardener" -by Eliot Coleman (Library or village books). Especially see chapters on "Farm Generated Fertility" and "Direct Seeding" and "A Final Question" (why do you want to be a farmer? )
""A community is the mental and spiritual condition of knowing that the place is shared, and that the people who share the place define and limit the possibilities of each other's lives" - Wendell Berry

"We have reached a point at which we must either consciously desire and choose and determine the future of the earth or submit to such an involvement in our destructiveness that the earth, and ourselves with it, must certainly be destroyed. And we have come to this at a time when it is hard, if not impossible, to foresee a future that is not terrifying." - Wendell Berry

"The Future of Globel Thinking" by Wendell Berry

"These instructions are at the heart of Berry's personal and literary world, and collectively they express the thesis informing all of his work, a canon now in excess of thirty books of essays, fiction, and poetry:"
"* Beware the justice of Nature.
*Understand that there can be no successful human economy apart from Nature or in defiance of Nature.
*Understand that no amount of education can overcome the innate limits of human intelligence and responsibility. We are not smart enough or conscious enough or alert enough to work responsibly on a gigantic scale.
*In making things always bigger and more centralized, we make them both more vulnerable in themselves and more dangerous to everything else. Learn, therefore, to prefer small-scale elegance and generosity to large-scale greed, crudity, and glamour.
* Make a home. Help to make a community. Be loyal to what you have made.
* Put the interest of the community first.
* Love your neighbors--not the neighbors you pick out, but the ones you have.
* Love this miraculous world that we did not make, that is a gift to us.
* As far as you are able make your lives dependent upon your local place, neighborhood, and household--which thrive by care and generosity--and independent of the industrial economy, which thrives by damage.
* Find work, if you can, that does no damage. Enjoy your work. Work well." -WB
 Most Frequently Asked Questions to Master Gardeners -

*  Closed Canapy Gardening in Prepartion for Edible Forest Garden - Skeeter *


(Video by Paul Wheaton of



Three Videos-!

Suburban Renewal- One Backyard at a Time”-Jan Spencer


“Permaculture & Peak Oil: Beyond Sustainability- David Holmgren 2007


Permaculture Principles”- - David Holmgren

*                  *                       *                      *                          *                           *                       *      


Transition Whatcom Video Playlist-


Are you thinking of taking a 2-3 week residential course?  

 See recommendations- “Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) & Reskilling Connections”

Now added to our main Resource List above:

Books Online:

"Future Scenarios " - David Homgren

"Permaculture Principles" handbook by David Holmgren



Planting Seeds of Change: Woman's Struggle Against Corporate of BioDiversity -Vandana Shiva May 9th 2004 U of CA-Santa Barbara. 50” Our local community is slowly awakening to the importance of local food security, which means seed-sovereignty so we can feed our own community without contamination from GMO – genetically modified organisms from corporate companies who's mission is to not to protect the rights or the people or the rights of the earth's living habitats. (Bio-piracy)

quote: "Vandana Shiva is one of the world's most powerful voices for global environmental justice and cultural and ecological diversity. She is the founding director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi. Vandana Shiva is also the author of numerous books including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series" [8/2004] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 8859]"


Resource Lists:

Books Treasured & Useful-

TW ARC's Useful Lists & Resources -


(Thanks to David M, Randy S, & Walter H for additions shared)



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