Transition Whatcom

Are folks interested in exploring Joanna Macy's Work that Reconnects?

      I am in a conversation with some people in Skagit and in Seattle who are facilitating Joanna Macy style work, about possibly doing something up here this fall. I am wondering who in this group may have experienced some work with her, and how much interest there would be.

     For people who are not familiar with her work, Joanna Macy (a Buddhist and activist from way back - clearly a wise elder in our times) has created a very powerful process for transforming the feelings of helplessness and grief about what is happening in our world, into a sense of visionary empowerment.

    We could potentially have a Friday night/Saturday day workshop that could spur an ongoing group.

     Any interest? questions? reflections?


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Hi Emily,  I've done a weekend with Joanna.  She is amazing and the work that reconnects is so important.  I'm not sure I can add any more to what I've already committed to this fall.  I'm beginning a year long spiritual eldering apprenticeship in October, and have committed to a couple other shorter courses of study.  So conceptually I'm very interested.  Realistically, I may not be able to participate.  It would be great to have her influence here in any case.  Thanks for all you do! Blessings, Angela

I got busy and dropped the ball on this idea for a few weeks, but I would really like to see a workshop happen here. Is anyone interested in having a meeting sometime in the next 2 to 3 weeks to explore this idea? I would love to invite Lois Canwright (who would be facilitating the workshop) to join us. Please respond if you would like to participate in a planning/exploration meeting, and say when you could be available. Thanks.



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