Transition Whatcom

Washington state's unemployment rate has rocketed up to 9.2%. So it's not the best time to give up a steady job or start a new business. David Reid knows this, but in January he quit his job as an ultrasound engineer anyway to work full–time on his dream business. It's called Sail Transport Company.

Dave and his crew pick up locally grown, organic produce and honey from farmers on the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas and sail them back to waiting customers at Ballard's Shilshole Bay. Dave talked with KUOW's Jeannie Yandel about why he took such a big risk in a bad economy.

KUOW Presents
Fuel-Free Produce Delivery (includes MP3 and RealAudio links)

See Sail Transport Company's website:

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Thanks for posting this David! We are so fortunate to live near an inland sea which is our most major natural transport pathway connecting so many communities.!

Do you know of any other transition ning site folks who are interested in helping to broaden the sustainable energy options we have for local transportation:
It would be great to connec up. It looks to me like we could use a Sustainable Transportation group started when there is enough momentum.
Thanks! Heather K
(experienced walker, biker, canoer, kayaker, sailer, skier, mmmm yeah also driver of planes & cars & firetrucks in the past too!) (Looking for my neighbors who can saddle up a donkey wagon or ride a horse)
Thanks for the note Heather. Transition Whatcom is just now gathering momentum and energy. We're planning an Awareness Raising event for Oct. 1st (mark your calendars), another Awareness Raising event a month or so later, and then "A Great Unleashing" where we launch TW to the larger community - a Grand Opening so to speak.

After the Great Unleashing we will get serious with work groups on subjects like Transportation. Or we may see the beginning of the work groups formed before the Unleashing so that they will be there for people to plug into after the Unleashing.

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