Transition Whatcom



We are working with Chris Benedict of Washington State University Extension Program to trail several cover crops and collect data to see what works best. We will be planting next week. Here is his e-mail that fit just perfectly with us:


I am looking for anyone interested in trialing summer planting cover crops.  The goal of these trial is to identify cover crops that can be planted in between cash crops, whether it be between a spring& fall planted cash crop or to precede a mid-summer fall planted cash crop.  Size of planting of these cover crops depends on the farm, but would like to evaluate the below cover crops.  Anyone interested should contact me.  I will pay for seed and all data collection.  The participating farmer would be required to assist with planting and would of course need to dedicate the land for the time being.  Of course each cover crop is different in its growing length, but this is a great opportunity to evaluate the growth of a cover crop on their own farm.

These are the CC’s I’m interested in trialing, not all need to be included:
Sudan/sorghum grass
Pacific and Ida Gold mustard
Tillage radish
Chickling Vetch
Pearl Millet
And of course anything else someone would like data collected.  
Let me know – I’m excited to work with you,
Chris Benedict
 | Agriculture Extension Educator | Washington State University Extension||NOTE CHANGE: 1000 N. Forest St., Suite 201 Bellingham, WA 98225360-676-6736 |


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Replies to This Discussion


I didn't know you were doing this! I had Chris out to the farm where I'm living to talk about helping with data collection for trials out here. That's great to have some trials at Riverhaven as well! I'd love to be in the loop when all that goes down. Do you know when he's coming?

He is comming by this Wednesday around 6 pm, you should join us :)
Did you get a map/key for what was planted?

I asked, but have not yet received it. I will stay on it until I get it tho. I can be persistent :)

We should have taken a picture of the map/key he had.

I am also asking for the fodder beet seeds.

Here are a few pics from the planting on July 1, 2011 (CANADA DAY)

Krista and Chris B planting seedsChris T and my daughter's helping out planting :)


Here is the MAP showing what was planted! Attached in pdf format.


Great to see the map/key!  such a fun project to incorporate!

I checked out all the cover crop trials on monday and I finally see them all coming up. A bit sparse, and the pasture weeds all seemed to get a leap by germinating when it was dry, but it's exciting to be able to identify all the different cover crops. I found at least: vetch, cowpeas, favas, buckwheat, radishes, and mustards.


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