Transition Whatcom

There is a informal local grassroots group that co-created Whatcom County’s 2009 Seed-Saving Exchange earlier this year in Jan/Feb, and helped host our local International Seed-Savers Day with speakers & discussions.

We hope to join with other individuals & local organizations
to create another seed-saving event this summer/fall/winter, that is both hands-on, and raises community awareness of the benefits of resisting buying or eating any corporate sponsored GMO foods.

Please share if you know of group or individuals who are passionate about this natural wonder – Seeds!
We would love to support you in your efforts to educate and to swap seeds!

Please let me know if you would be interested helping to create
our next Local Seed-Saving Event, or to be on our gardeners mailing list.

I can recommend viewing the movie “Food, Inc', especially to see the interviews with the seed-saving farmers in the Midwest that were legally harassed
by the corporation Moninsantoo (sp!), and to learn how our legal system supported this corporation & their ecologically dangerous actions.

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Seeds! this is an extremely important path you are following and I'm interested in learning some saving techniques and swapping some treasures. Add me to a mailing list or whatever it is that I need to do join give. I missed the movie Food Inc. but I just finished "The Omnivore's Dillema" which is by one of the movie's makers (Michael Pollan) fascinating book for the most part. Just make sure I'm in on the seeds, they are critical to our survival and learning how to save them is critically important knowledge. Thanks.
More inspiration & info on seed-saving can be read in -‘Seed Stewardship’ – Chapt 6 Food Not Lawns. by H.C.

In addition to increasing our awareness on what foods we eat, and saving seeds to share with others, is learning how to communicate to others what is happening in the global corporate world of seeds, especially the GMO seeds (Genetically Modified Organisms).
(Quote): “ Currently Commercialized GM Crops in the U.S. include:
Soy (89%), Cotton (83%), Canola (75%), Corn (61%), Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%), Alfalfa, zucchini and yellow squash (small amount), and Tobacco (Quest® brand). (Number in parentheses represents the estimated percent that is genetically modified.) All but soy cross-pollinate, although pop corn and blue corn do not cross with the current GM corn varieties. And now, with the sugar beet growers going GM, there is the possibility of cross-pollination into other beet varieties and near relatives, such as chard.
It is unlikely that other seed varieties, whether organic or not are GM, though contamination may occur by cross pollination or other means from experiment and sometimes publicly undisclosed GM test plots throughout the nation.”
(End Quote)
Above quote from an informative website at

Would someone be willing to pursue contacting H.C. Flores about speaking or presenting at a local seed event in either late Sept or October 2009 or 2010?
Her website shows her to be on tour in our area during that time.

I have noticed that our local bookstore is great at promoting events with authors with new books to sell, and joining with other local non-profits to create large public events.

Documentary movie, ‘Food, Inc.’ may possibly have been held over for longer showing.
Call Pickford to find out details of days/times.
I’ve encouraged my vegan friends who may not be willing to see the visuals on machinery animal treatment,(that many are already well aware of), to at least see the 2nd half of movie to hear the American seed saving farmers speak on how they lost their earthly rights to save seed.…

Your neighbor in the spirit of,
“Edible Meadows & Forests - Not Lawns & Paved Parking” - Heather K

Thanks Dave Pike for your enthusiasm & inspiring me to share more!

Can we get the OSA power point presentation and show that with maybe some hands-on work?
Last year we opted for Uprising Seeds live presentation with Q&A, maybe this year we do the Power Point with demo.
I have a gal who has volunteered to be part of the hands-on portion,
Shannon, We heard a Great talk by Steve Jones on Small Scale Grain Growing at Inspiration farm this week. You would have loved it!
I would really like one of us to pursue having Steve Jones come up as a speaker for an October event. ( I think Brian has the connection with him). Steve is a scientist & farmer at Mt. Vernon Ag Extension and both enlightened on caring for earth and ethical; - he resisted corporation Montinsaneto’s money/grant offers for unhealthy research projects yrs ago..
Yes I like the idea of the visuals of PowerPoint or slides.
The hands on portion could include actual seed pods being brought in & we can all start collecting what we have, leaving some in the pods & on the stem.

I’m also thinking of starting an ecological garden-farmers or seed-savers group on this whatcomtransition site…maybe in the fall or maybe someone else will start it up…
A group with .focus on care of the earth, care of the soil, people, plant & insect diversity..
…I’m still learning my way around this ning site.
Heather, I would be interested in helping organize this, if you need that kind of help. I don't know much at all about seed saving, so I wouldn't have much to teach others... but I am eager to learn. Let me know what help you need; I am "funemployed" so have lots of time to give to important projects like this. I can design and print fliers, hang posters, get the word out to people, etc. --Chris
Hi All, I’m thinking one of us should start a ning-site group for this seed-saving event planning,
so we can keep this forum for broader audiance of sharing info on seeds.
Can someone initiate a ning-group for planning? I’ll try to respond with message later.
I’m planting seeds Here, and I am listening...
Hey Heather,

I look forward to finding some way to help in your efforts in seed saving.

Unfortunately working on a Ning-group probably would not work out too well for me. I am very new to this whole social networking thing and Ning. Also I am a hunt-and-peck typer and all my typing is excruciatingly S-L-O-W.

I really do want to be a part of the seed saving movement though. What other areas could you use help in? Could you use help in editing videos on the methods of preparing seeds to be saved? I have done a bit of video and audio editing. If you can think of any more ways I might be able to help, just keep asking.

BTW - Nancy and I have just found out that the Pickford will be showing the movie Food, Inc. on Sat. Aug. 8th at 2:00pm for the matinee price of $6.25. If anyone else reading this has wanted to see this movie and would like to meet up and see it with us just send us an email or comment note.
Working Together to Create our Regional Seed-Saving Events:
In addition to pursuing a speaker from out of region or setting an event date, I would like to encourage someone to contact Brian & Chrystine at Uprising Organics, our local seed growers, to check on their availability to offer a half-day hands-on seed-saving workshop this fall.

Lets continue to envision and support each other and share on this ning site what we are doing to create our next community event.

Ning-site tip: To continue following this networking discussion and receive an email when there are new respones, you can sign on to the transitionwhatcom ning site, then scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the "Follow - Email me when people respond" option..

Here is a link from a possible future speaker, H. C. Flores author of Food Not Lawns:
She has recently posted 4 workshop offerings, that have a suggested price, and state “
No one shall be turned away for lack of funds”.

Blessings & Walk Wild as Waters Flow,
Heather K

Offerings of workshops from Food Not Lawns website:

Seed Swap, Slideshow & Cooperobics
Photos, discussion, interactive community-building games, and sharing of surplus resources. 3 hours. Recommended donation $5-$10* per person. Minimum attendance 25 people, maximum 1000.

Introduction to Permaculture Workshop
Ethics, principles, and design theory to help create gardens and community projects that contribute to a sustainable future. This is an information and discussion intensive session. Includes classroom presentation and an observational site tour. 4 hours. Recommended donation $30-$60* per person. Minimum enrollment 9 people, maximum 60.

Creative Cahoots
Learn to use troika, a task-oriented working process, to organize friendship-based affinity groups and implement effective community projects on any scale. Come alone or in groups of three. Bring pen & paper. 2.5 hours, recommended donation $20-$50* per person. Minimum enrollment 9 people, maximum 60.

Paradise Gardening
Work hands-on in an established organic garden and learn how to use permaculture and other design strategies to increase the beauty, yield, and ecological integrity of agriculture. Bring garden gloves and your favorite tool. 3 hours, outdoor class. Recommended donation $30-$60* per person. Minimum enrollment 9 people, maximum 27.
Hi All ! Please consider continuing our dialogue & sharing at either of these transition-ning groups:

Seed-Savers –Preserving Our Ecological Heritage
Cascadia Seed-Savers- Sharing & Saving Our Seeds, Educating Others on the importance of regional seed-saving, Resisting corporate/laboratory bred GMO seeds, or Promoting Events for community food-security.

And if you can help out with co-creating future events for seed-saving & gardening events,
then lets dialogue at this:group site:

Local Food Security Events- Planning Team
Working Together to Create our Regional Seed-Saving Events (Seeds:- Into The Hands of the People), & Co-Creating Educational Garden Events. (Networking trial with a ning-site to supplement use of emails, phone-calls, meetings)

Blessings & Walk Wild as Waters Flow…
Hi Shannon,
I look forward to a successful seed swap event on Jan 31- International Seed Saving Day- at the Center for the Expressive Arts. Any leads on slide shows/demonstrations on seed saving? or is it best to keep it a simple exchange and social hour? I appreciate your feedback.

Shannon Maris said:
Can we get the OSA power point presentation and show that with maybe some hands-on work? Last year we opted for Uprising Seeds live presentation with Q&A, maybe this year we do the Power Point with demo.
I have a gal who has volunteered to be part of the hands-on portion,
Hello Chris,
do you still have time to devote to a seed swap on Jan 31- International Seed Saving Day- at the Center for Expressive Arts in Bellingham. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Janaki

Chris Wolf said:
Heather, I would be interested in helping organize this, if you need that kind of help. I don't know much at all about seed saving, so I wouldn't have much to teach others... but I am eager to learn. Let me know what help you need; I am "funemployed" so have lots of time to give to important projects like this. I can design and print fliers, hang posters, get the word out to people, etc. --Chris
Hello Paul,
A Seed Swap is scheduled for Jan 31-International Seed Saving Day- at The Center for Expressive Arts in Bellingham. Are you interested in helping out?
Thanks, Janaki

Paul Langevin said:
Hey Heather,

I look forward to finding some way to help in your efforts in seed saving.

Unfortunately working on a Ning-group probably would not work out too well for me. I am very new to this whole social networking thing and Ning. Also I am a hunt-and-peck typer and all my typing is excruciatingly S-L-O-W.

I really do want to be a part of the seed saving movement though. What other areas could you use help in? Could you use help in editing videos on the methods of preparing seeds to be saved? I have done a bit of video and audio editing. If you can think of any more ways I might be able to help, just keep asking.

BTW - Nancy and I have just found out that the Pickford will be showing the movie Food, Inc. on Sat. Aug. 8th at 2:00pm for the matinee price of $6.25. If anyone else reading this has wanted to see this movie and would like to meet up and see it with us just send us an email or comment note.

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