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Rethinking Transition as a Pattern Language: an introduction

by Rob Hopkins

PatternLanguageYesterday I posted a document which contained the first rough attempt at sketching out a new way of communicating Transition, using Christopher Alexander’s ‘pattern
language’ approach. Over the coming weeks and months I will be blogging
more about this, but in advance of the 2010
Transition Network conference
(only a week to go!), I thought it
might be helpful to give some more background on this. What is a
‘pattern language’ and why might it be a better way of communicating
Transition? Here are some initial thoughts.

What is a Pattern Language?

In 1977, Christopher Alexander and colleagues at the Centre for Environmental Structure at Berkeley University published a book called ‘A Pattern Language: towns, buildings, construction’, the second in a
series of 3 books. Fifteen years later, a much younger me was a student
on my permaculture design course in Bristol. On Day 5 of the course,
the teacher introduced ‘A Pattern Language’ to the group, as though it
were some ancient, dusty, sacred text, in much the same way as I now
introduce people to it. He lovingly flipped through the book and
introduced the concept of patterns and why this book was essential for
the design of anything.

I borrowed his copy and took it home that night. Initially it looked huge and impenetrable, but once I had read the ‘key’ at the beginning, I flew through the book in a couple of hours. What blew me away was not
the these ideas were in any sense revolutionary or new, but rather that
it captured and put its fingers on so many things that I had felt and
been unable to articulate. Why do some built environments make you feel
alive, connected and celebratory, and why do some make people want to
stab each other? Why does the heart soar in the old parts of Sienna, in
St Ives, in Paris, and not in most of Swindon or Slough?

Alexander’s observation was that any built environment is like a ‘language’, it is composed of different identifiable elements, some obvious, some subtle, and like any language, it can be used to write
beautiful poetry or doggerel. Alexander put it like this; “the elements
of this language are entities called patterns. Each pattern describes a
problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then
describes the core of the solution to that problem , in such a way that
you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it
the same way twice”.

Since ‘A Pattern Language’ was published, the idea of pattern languages has gone on to inform the software world, web design and many other disciplines. Author J.K.Rowling talks of how the whole story for
her Harry Potter books, with fully formed characters, names and events,
came to her on a train journey from Edinburgh to London. The idea for a
Transition Pattern Language came from discussions between Ben Brangwyn,
Ed Mitchell and myself on a train journey from Totnes to Slaithwaite in
Yorkshire for the Transition North conference. It struck us that it
was a perfect way of redefining and communicating Transition. If it
could be applied in areas other than building, then why not Transition?

For me, in terms of music, the best music opens doors to lots of other music you have not heard before, sends you off exploring previously unheard music. My hope is that communicating Transition in
this way will do the same, not least in terms of perhaps getting you to
pick up a copy of ‘A Pattern Language’, one of few books published in
the 20th Century that deserves to be called a work of genius.

Why Change the Transition model?

What is Transition? It is merely a pulse, a suggestion, a catalyst, an invitation. For some it is permission to get started on something they have dreamt about for some time. Since its inception, people have
wondered what it is, how it works, and how best to communicate it to
others. From the early days of Transition Town Totnes, people asked
“what are you doing and how are you doing it?” That led to the ‘12
Steps of Transition’, the model currently used by Transition groups, as
set out in the Transition Primer, the Transition Handbook and the
Transition Training.

Over time though, there is a danger, identified sometimes in a near-obsession with “doing Transition properly”, that what was a model thrown together in order to communicate it to people becomes ossified
and encourages slavish adherence rather than creativity and innovation.
For some the 12 Steps becomes something where they feel they have to do
it in a particular chronological order, they have to do all 12, they
can’t add new ones, and so on. Also, the 12 Steps served very well in
the early days, but given that the last of the 12 Steps is ‘Create an
Energy Descent Plan’, and that now some initiatives have reached this
stage, the question arises “then what?”

Therefore, in the interests of promoting non-attachment to ideas and enshrining the principle that none of us really know what we are doing, as encapsulated in the ‘Cheerful Disclaimer’, for the Transition
Handbook 2.0 I am taking the original Transition model and throwing it
up in the air, using ‘A Pattern Language’ as a way of recommunicating
and reshaping it. Transition has evolved and grown hugely since the
first Transition Handbook. The principle of it being an iterative
process, of the sharing of failures being as important as the successes,
has done it a great service, and much has been learnt as a result. New
models and tools have been developed, and as a result the second
edition of the Handbook will look very different to the first, but it
will also, I hope, actually be a more familiar representation of the
Transition you know, and also a more useful tool.

The Qualities of Transition

Perhaps in the same way that Christopher Alexander did with ‘A Pattern Language’s precursor ‘A Timeless Way of Building’ (’Pattern Language’ was the second book in a trilogy, the first, ‘A Timeless Way
of Building’ a beautiful piece of prose about ‘the quality with no name’
that has run through built environments throughout history, and the
third a case study of applying pattern language to the design of a
university campus in Oregon), it might be useful to identify some of the
qualities of the Transition approach. What does it feel like? In the
time that passed since version 1.0, I have come to think that Transition
has a number of qualities, which include the following;

  • Viral: It spreads rapidly and pops up in the most unexpected places
  • Open Source: It is a model that people shape and take ownership of and is made available freely
  • Self organising: it is not centrally controlled, rather it is something people take ownership of and
    make their own
  • Solutions focused: it is inherently positive, not campaigning against things, rather setting out a positive
    vision of a world that has embraced its limitations
  • Iterative: it is continually learning from its successes and its failures and redefining itself, trying to
    research what is working and what isn’t
  • Clarifying: it offers a clear explanation of where humanity finds itself based on the best science available
  • Sensitive to place and scale: Transition looks different wherever it goes
  • Historic: it tries to create a sense of this being an historic opportunity to do something extraordinary – and
    perhaps most importantly of all
  • Joyful: if its not fun, you’re not doing it right

Any pattern language designed to communicate Transition therefore needs to be able to embody these qualities. The Transition patterns straddle a range of scales, from regional design tools, to very local
projects, and even down to personal qualities, and are grouped
accordingly. As Alexander puts it;

“no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world, only to the extent that it is supported by other patterns: the larger patterns within which it is embedded, the patterns
of the same size that surround it, and the smaller patterns which are
embedded in it. This is a fundamental view of the world. It says that
when you build a thing you cannot merely build that thing in isolation,
but must also repair the world around it, and within it, so that the
larger world at that one place becomes more coherent, and more whole;
and the thing which you make takes its place in the web of nature, as
you make it”.

A Transition pattern language makes Transition much more accessible than the 12 Steps, because it allows a range of other organisations to see a way into it. A Council for example, or another NGO, can find
their place much more easily, can see how most skilfully to interface
with Transition. It enables people starting a Transition initiative to
have a loose sense of where they are going and to put their early work
in a wider context. It will always be an evolving pattern language,
changing as the model and the movement evolves, but my hope is that, for
the second edition of the Handbook, scheduled for publication next
Spring, we can create a rich, robust and fully functional pattern
language which will much better reflect the depth and complexities of
what Transition has become in its short lifespan thus far. The draft of
the Transition pattern language in

the booklet that I posted yesterday
created for the 2010 Transition
Network conference sets out about 70 initial patterns. Over the next
couple of months I will start posting some of those patterns and invite
your input and thoughts.

Sample patterns

From a preliminary document (pages 28-102)

So you've decided to want to have a go at starting a Transition initiative. You've met a collection of people who share your enthusiasm. Now what? The second set of patterns move you from the ideas stage to a
Transition initiative which is underway and has maximised its chances
of continuing with a good momentum…
2.1. Forming a Core Team** 43
2.2. Inclusion/Diversity* 44
2.3. Transition Training*** 45
2.4. Running Successful Meetings** 46
2.5. Measurement*** 47
2.6. Visioning** 48
2.7. Becoming a Formal Organisation*** 49
2.8. Arts and Creativity** 50
2.9. Awareness Raising** 51
2.10. Communicating with the Media *** 52
2.11. Forming working groups** . 53
2.12. Building Strategic Partnerships 54
2.13. The ‘Project Support’ concept* 55
2.14. Backcasting* 56
2.15. Transition Cakes*** 57

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Editorial Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There seems to be a big change in the Transition Movement in the UK -- rather exciting.

A new approach is superseding the familiar "12 Steps." Rather than the linear one-size-fits-all process, Rob Hopkins has been describing Transition as a series of patterns.

The "pattern language" for Transition is described in a book-length PDF available free online - 8.64 MB (108 pages)

This book is really a very thick program for the upcoming Transition conference in the UK

Also in the conference program are descriptions of workshops and talks to be given there, which I found fascinating. They are addressing issues that we have brought up in our local Transition meetings (e.g.
about scale, working with other groups, finances, etc.). See pages

I think this document would be a good subject for a meeting, or a book discussion group. It really is the cutting edge.

-Bart Anderson, The Energy Bulletin

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You can listen to Rob Hopkins present on this topic at Transition Radio. This is from the Transition Conference happening in the UK this weekend.

Browse the other topics available at Transition Radio:
quote: " the interests of promoting non-attachment to ideas and enshrining the principle that none of us really know what we are doing,....I am taking the original Transition model & throwing it up in the air, using ‘A Pattern Language’ as a way of recommunicating
and reshaping it." - Rob Hopkins

Great update David, thanks for posting!
This is pretty fascinating. I like the fractal quality and the willingness to throw the model up in the air and the attempt to avoid creating an orthodoxy which would become its own unsustainable box.
David: I started this on Transition US Ning about a week ago:

I haven't invited anyone yet. I do not know that many folks, actually. (Island country bumpkin)
Could we try to link this discussion to your discussion? It is a little complicated to change from
Transition Whatcom to Transition US Ning. As we can see, not many folks will use Ning. And
the Transition US Ning groups are a bit misleading (not purposefully). Many of the groups have
only two people. The initiator and Les Squires. I'll send you my wife's Staple Food brochure
as soon as I can find it for your comment if you care too.

Cheerfully. Lane

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