Transition Whatcom

The Flock's first Chicken Coop Tour - Saturday Nov. 14th from noon to 5pm or so. ... was very successful. Lots of chickens and information, conversation and laughs. This discussion can re-open when we're ready to organize another one.

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I'm so sorry to have to do this to everyone, but I am going to have to back out of the coop tour. So many familial obligations have come up in addition to devastation of my flock. Yesterday I had all the ladies roaming about the yard as they usually do when I am home. A loose dog came by and killed both my bully hen and one of my little Brahmas. I chased the dog off as I was screaming at it (and crying) in my bathrobe (and my neighbors thought I was odd before...) I was distraught to be completely honest.....this summer I had another chicken killed in the middle of the day by an off leash dog that wandered onto our property when I lived by the Interurban Trail. I hear you all talking about raccoons and other predators, but here I am dealing with people's dogs...I know it's not the dogs fault so it is even more frustrating. I do find it interesting though that as an animal (cat, dog, human) becomes more domesticated the kill instinct is often still there, but the reason behind that instinct has gone. Rather pessimistic view I know, but I'm trying to explain why I had to watch two of my chickens die, the dog showed no interest in eating them, just killing. So I apologize for backing out of the tour, but hope to meet people on future neighborhood tours. I also am hoping to be able to make it to the "walk the walk" event so I hope to meet you all there. Cheers.
Hi Alicia,

One more for the clucking tour! I would love to attend. Good meeting location in Bellingham - somewhere near Birchwood seems central. Maybe Shuksan School parking lot? Are there any restrictions on parking there on Saturdays? For us Ferndale-ites, we could carpool down to Bellingham and pick up vehicle near Birchwood and then drive my own vehicle (or carpool) back to Ferndale as that is where I live.

Gosh Deanna! Really sad news! Nauseating!
If I had been there with you, I would have been Queen of the Crazy Woman & come out screaming with uncombed long hair & swinging an axe and all the neighbors and their blood thirsty pets would shook with fear for their lives. . . That dog sounds dangerous to the neighborhood . .
May your grief heal. Hugs!
Thanks for the "hugs" Heather! We just went a picked up 4 young ones from our friend who we got our other young ones from. All the ladies are a bit jittery with all the transitions that have been happening lately but I think everything will work out well.
Look at the top of the Coop Tour discussion for the final tour info!
Sorry I will miss the coop tour, I feel like I need to be at my partner Jason's juggling show downtown and show my support there. I hope to be in on the next one. Deanna, I am really sorry about your chickens being killed. A neighbor dog mauled all our chickens about a year ago, and it was really sad for us too. --Chris W
Deanna, I am so sorry a dog got some of your ladies. I know from experience, more than once, that that kind of experience can be very disheartening. And, I am glad that you have replaced won't change the event or your feelings, but it does soften it a bit and gives you a focus on life instead of, hang in there and I hope you can meet with the rest of us clucks at another time. Alys
I had a hen killed by a dog this summer, sad, she was a buff orpington about 8 years old. I have several others buryed in and around my yard feeding the trees from other killing sprees. I even once had a hawk try to carry one off she is still apart of the flock.
see and meet some of you tommorrow.
Looking forward to seeing part of the flock and the coop-gardens this Saturday.

I'll show up at Alicia since I've been to Jeff & Brians before and I've some morning committments.

Re Carpooling - I would love to be able to receive a ride up to Ferndale to Alys place from Alicia's place or NW AVe area, with whomever will save room for me!

Chris, I really wish I could see Jason performance at the bloom happening at the same time...maybe somebody will video it and share it as one of our videos. . .

Dianna, I hope you can make part of the tour!

Alicia - Awsome organizing us all without seeds!

Brian, maybe we can nab Christy & bring her as our family member...will play by ear.


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