Transition Whatcom

The Poetry of Life... a bit from me to you!

The multipettaled blooms of delicate daisies,

shower us with wonder and calmness.

Richness in powerfully, and subtly scented herbs alike,

brings delight to our sometimes dull minds.

The dirty streets carry our trampling weight uncomplainingly,

yet it is most common to not appreciate the truth of it.

The planet asks for care not in complaints and lawsuits,

but in bearing the burden and displaying the results.

I commit in the name of my ancestors to taking steps each day to bring my values into alignment with those of the laws of nature.

I commit to learning each day something new, something good.

My genetic inheritance should not be squandered, lest the point of it all comes to naught.

Others commitment strengthens me, so thank you all for all you do.

In the name of the father sky and mother earth, I commit!





Kyler Boyes

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Comment by warren miller on November 5, 2011 at 12:25pm


Very cool- Thanx!

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