Transition Whatcom

The necessity of participating in the system

I knew when I decided to run for County Executive that I would give up most of my income making capacity to do so. I also knew from past experience running for election that it would take all of my focus and not allow me to seek consulting clients for my business. Well all that was true and so when I lost in the primary I had a wonderful opportunity to look at the last couple of years of being self employed critically and make a decision as to whether this was going to work going forward. Being honest with myself  it was clear that being self employed was not working for me in the current economy and I did not expect that to change in the next couple of years so I made the decision to seek full time employment. I have now, I believe, secured a full time job. The hard part is that my education through the effort of working on Transition Whatcom has left me with no faith in our current system and some part of me feels that I am selling out going back to work in a system I no longer believe in.  Sadly I have to admit that even though I do not believe in the current system I do not have a way to go forward to change it without participating in it. I clearly believe that we all need to work hard at making our own individual lives resilient because there is no way to know when or to what extent the current system will breakdown. At least I can go back to participating in the work world with my eyes clearly focused on making my life and those around me more resilient. Sadly I will not have as much time and energy to devote to Transition Whatcom which I do believe in and I believe is in a position to provide communication between those of us who see the need for resilience. I also recognize that most of us have to both work on our own resilience and participate in a system that we may not fully believe in. I am thrilled that this networking site is working to keep like minded people connected and pray that we all make progress on our individual resilience so that when the need is there we can be there for each other. Tom Anderson 

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