Transition Whatcom

I've been musing more and more about the subject of debt management in the face of so much gone wrong in our culture. Ironic given my work is about helping people buy homes and find funds for things like renovations and building or business expenses. You see, I see people every day who have gotten in too deep. I hear their stories and try to help them find a way to get out of the situation. Most are smart, motivated people who simply did not see a loss of income ('cash for clunkers' killed a lot of auto repair shops) coming their way. Healthy people who didn't count on a major disease or injury and the cost of health care wiping out their savings. Happy people who didn't know the real price of divorce. Bottom line: these are not fun things to ponder so most people operate in a denial mode because we have been taught to ignore what we don't understand. For example, loan modification has become the new hope for many who are on the way to losing their homes due to these unintended consequences. It's an arduous process but it works. I've found a referral partner (took me a year) and we have strong success stories. I like to think of this process as a transformative experience for everyone involved. It has certainly transformed me!

I've been posting blogs on this subject if anyone is interested in getting your debt in perspective or understanding your options. Pass it on.

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