Transition Whatcom

Susan Templeton's Blog (5)

Beware of Govenments Bearing Gifts

Perhaps you've read news about the many rescue programs for distressed homeowners. Powering down may need to start with the home itself and go from there. Ultimately, a person in financial distress will always face difficult decisions. Some of which may be as simple as accepting they cannot sustain such a large or expensive home and the attached energy, transportation, tax and insurance burdens. A good chat with your family…


Added by Susan Templeton on April 3, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Being Open to Abundance

It seems the more we are challenged to our core, the more we tend to contract our energy and hold onto things, money, our stuff we perceive we might need. Heck some of us are holding onto old memories, self views and fat cells that do little to insulate us from life. It's easy to say that such things are not making us any happier. I sometimes wake up at night realizing I have clenched my fist. I just remember what an old teacher said once to me: "You can't receive abundance and joy if you are… Continue

Added by Susan Templeton on November 30, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

More LESS DEBT Slower!

I've been musing more and more about the subject of debt management in the face of so much gone wrong in our culture. Ironic given my work is about helping people buy homes and find funds for things like renovations and building or business expenses. You see, I see people every day who have gotten in too deep. I hear their stories and try to help them find a way to get out of the situation. Most are smart, motivated people who simply did not see a loss of income ('cash for clunkers' killed a… Continue

Added by Susan Templeton on November 25, 2009 at 9:35pm — No Comments

Hopping Off The Debt Cycle!

Paying your mortgage payment on time every month is a great practice and your credit will reflect that good habit. However, this practice is not enough to get ahead. It's just enough to keep you chained to the high interest rate wheel of cyclic existence. Otherwise known as thirty year mortgage hell.

To understand what's happening, take a look at the interest you are paying your bank every month for the priviledge of maintaining that account balance. Most people don't realize that… Continue

Added by Susan Templeton on September 2, 2009 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

I have written about 4 years of posts on ways to help folks understand/restore or build your credit. If you are considering the long term effects of maintaining debt, the sooner you understand the cost of poor credit on all your accounts the sooner you can benefit from a little work pulling up your FICO scores. The better your credit, the lower your rates and the sooner you can pay off your debt and free up your capital for better things...! (All these pointers are free information I've gleaned… Continue

Added by Susan Templeton on August 25, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

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