This is the day when the real work of Transition Whatcom will begin. We encourage everyone who has a strong interest in Transition to prioritize attending Day 2 of The Great Unleashing. It could be among the most important time spent of your entire year.
Based on our visioning, we’ll begin to form project groups that will address critical issues our community is facing and start the process of articulating an Energy Descent Action Pathway. This will be our roadmap to a future of greater freedom from oil-dependency, much greater local resilience, and a more satisfying personal and community life, and will celebrate and expand on the many positive actions already happening in our community.
You can download the contents of this page as a Word document by clicking here.
Sunday, April 11
Bellingham High School
1:00 to 1:15
Welcome Arrivals (:15)
1:15 to 1:25 pm Opening (:10)
Introductions (Facilitators, Communication
Allies, Volunteers)
Logistics (Bathrooms, Take care of
The Power of the First Follower – Video
Clip (3 min)
1:25 to 1:35 pm ‘Mapping’ Exercise
Arranging attendees, according to where
they live, on the floor space
as if the floor were Whatcom
1:35 to 1:45
Overview of the next steps in the TT model (:10)
Agenda for the day is on the wall
Intro the concept of Working Groups (WG) +
steps 6 thru 12 (+ later)
Intro the concept of the ‘composting’ of
the TWIG
Development of the next ‘core group’ still
being designed
(a responsibility of the TWIG)
1:45 to 1:50 pm The Day’s Objectives
Core leadership in each Category of
Concern (min. of 4 WG formed)
Min. of 4 people in each WG
Temp. leader agreed upon to follow thru
with the next steps
A plan for the WGs to meet again
(when/where/Doodler ID’d)
A plan for all WG to meet again
Additional Open Space days planned for
each WG
Invitation - a personal written
commitment from each attendee
Is this complete? (2 min)
1:50 to 2:05
Serving a Common Purpose - Doug Banner (:15)
Narrative: Bringing people together to
work toward a common purpose
2:05 to 2:25
Visioning at ‘The Wall’ – Categories of Concern (Condensed)
Intro – the power of building a positive
vision (2 min)
Add to it; Be inspired; Explore your
2:25 to 2:35
pm Open Space
Technology Intro (:10)
Intro to OST
2:35 to 3:05 pm Open Space ‘Marketplace’
Pitching your ideas for starting a
conversation, project or a WG
Creating the location schedule for each
3:05 to 5:00
pm Working
Group Session (1:55)
Break out sessions following what ‘sold’
in the Marketplace
5:00 to 5:10 pm Reconvene (:10)
Fill out form provided
All come back to the circle
5:10 to 5:30
pm Working
Group Reports (:20)
‘Popcorn’ style – let’s hear the greatest
ideas you came up with!
5:30 to 5:50
pm Future
of Transition Whatcom (:20)
How does the TT model suggest the work
continue beyond the IG?
The Status of that Transition
Transition Training Available and Support for Working Groups
Training for Transition in June (BUF –
Green Sanctuary)
Support for WGs
Options for WGs
5:50 to 6:00
pm Thank
Yous and Wrap Up (:10)
Did we meet our
6:00 to 6:30
pm Clean
up (:30)
Snacks, fruit, coffee, tea available – shared donations
More Info About The Great Unleashing:
The Great
Unleashing: An Overview
General Description of the event, and an "at a glance" outline of
the sessions on Day 1.
Pedal Powered Parade
Come be a part of the pre-event parade on Saturday morning!
The Keynote
Speakers: Rob Hopkins, Trathen Heckman, Vicki Robin, and Frances
Moore Lappe.
Read their bios, see their photos, and learn what they'll be
talking about.
The Breakout
Sessions: All the Details
Full details of who, what, when and where for the breakout sessions
on Day 1.
Music and
Music and food are important. Dana Lyons, Jan Peters, Burke
Mulvaney, Youth Jazz Band, and more!
Read all about the exhibits and exhibitors.
Overview of Day 2
This is the day when the real work of Transition Whatcom will
begin. We encourage everyone who has a strong interest in
Transition to prioritize attending Day 2 of The Great Unleashing.
It could be among the most important time spent of your entire
We couldn't put this event on without our sponsors. Please express
your thanks to these generous companies and folks!
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