Transition Whatcom

Greetings Southsiders,

The TWOG is hatching a plan to create a monthly, all-Transition Whatcom work party that would rove around the county, where members could lend a hand to other local groups or major projects and installations within TW.  We thought the Center for Local Self-Reliance was a logical and inspiring place to start.  I went and talked with some of them today, and they requested our help installing fence posts and fencing on Saturday, November 6.

My questions to you are:  1) Does TF want to co-sponsor/host this event?  2) Would anyone from TF be willing to help me plan the event and especially, make it a more of a workPARTY than a WORKparty?  I have some ideas but I could really use some help.

I'm creating this discussion space because I'm hoping TW will have a long-term collaboration with CLSR, and this group seemed the right place to start for support.  Also, with a group as big as TW, it's good for the left hand to know what the right hand is doing.

Any thoughts?  Want to meet?

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I'm liking collaborating w/ CLSR. Next party's this Sat. the 16th. Nice to have a concrete worthy project that's so ready to go.
Hi Laura....

I think your idea is great! I am a member of the Transition Initiating Group for the Southside area. We've been talking with CLSR over the past couple of months and had an informational meeting a couple of weekends ago and a tour of the facilities for Southside Transition members. Your idea of a workparty to get the fencing completed is a great follow-up. I'd be happy to help in organizing this with you.
Bravo, thanks! I'm heading out for the weekend , I'll be back Tuesday and hoping to get a planning group together by the end of next week (what would work for you?). The shifts for the workparty are 9-11, 11-1, 1-3. that way no one has to commit for all day unless they really want to. I would like to see donations of apples for cider, and if possible, gift certificates from local businesses for door prizes. I've sent donation requests to all the TW members who listed 'licensed massage practitioner' in their profile, haven't had any replies yet. Another thing is food--always makes a nice party--and IF we can get a PA, then I reckon we could find musicians. Just some ideas I've been playing with to make it more fun and exciting.
Count me in! This sounds like a true Transitions (Make it Fun) event!
I am a member of the TF (Southside) Initiating Group and am very interested in helping to organize this event. Thank you for the interest in CLSR and you ideas.
The event that Joanne mentioned above was a joint gathering of TF and CLSR and new people were introduced to both organizations through their participation.
Laura....I can meet on Wednesday and possibly Thursday late afternoon but I'll be away next weekend, returning on Sunday the 24th. Let's talk when you return.
Thursday late afternoon works fine for me, if you want to name a time and place. I'll see if any other volunteers can meet then as well.
Hi Laura, great you are putting your energy into this! As a permaculturist & designer, I've been one of the community members who has assisted with the site planning/footprint for the evolving Center for Local Self Reliance (CLSR), and I've been one of the hands-on volunteers. I know what a great group they are! And I know that completing the fence that they are in the midst of building is one of their current top priorities. When I last met with Alison, Shannon, & others of the CLSR group a few weeks back, I brought up the idea of bringing music into one of their fence building work parties.
At that time they wanted to keep the focus more on the work, and less on the party....I''m glad you've connected with them since then.
Would you be sure to run by any ideas of the 'Party' aspect with Shannon & the CLSR board to be sure they are fully comfortable with what an amazing work-Party event you'll be creating?

Last year Jeff W created many work-party events around the community just like you're now encouraging the twog to do. I so appreciate you reviving these community work-parties.

I'm not able to schedule in event planning time, but call me anytime if needed for brainstorming or listening. - Heather

Laura J Sellens said:
......... The shifts for the workparty are 9-11, 11-1, 1-3. that way no one has to commit for all day unless they really want to. I would like to see donations of apples for cider, and if possible, gift certificates from local businesses for door prizes. I've sent donation requests to all the TW members who listed 'licensed massage practitioner' in their profile, haven't had any replies yet. Another thing is food--always makes a nice party--and IF we can get a PA, then I reckon we could find musicians. Just some ideas I've been playing with to make it more fun and exciting.
Let's meet at the public market downtown on Cornwall at 4:00.
Hi Heather--I'll make double sure it's ok with the Board.

Hi Joanne--See you at 4! I'll call the others and see if they can come.

Hi Will--Are you able to make it 4pm at the Public Market?
OK Laura, I will be there.
Hello folks,

Just wanted to thank you for your efforts to support our upcoming workparty at the Caretaker's House at Fairhaven Park.
As you know, we have been working for the past couple of years towards the transformation of an underutilized public facility into a vibrant community asset that will eventually be focused on growing, preserving, and learning about food related issues.
We have been excited to see all the various local individuals and groups providing needed expertise in these areas of food security. This gives us great hope that our facility will become a focal point of these efforts in the future.
In the meantime we will continue to dedicate our efforts to building the infrastructure needed to make this a special place. This involves designing, permitting, fundraising, and then building the necessary components to accomodate our dreams.
As Transition members you are undoubtedly familiar with the types of challenging work we have ahead of us, and realize the equally challenging ecomony that we have to work with at the present time. Despite these obstacles we continue to enjoy having the opportunity to make a difference in the quality of life available to our neighbors.
Thanks for sharing your time and energy to make our upcoming fence-raising party a festive occassion. Let's hope we get some sunshine to bless our event on November 6 :-)
In addition to our website, we have also set up a Facebook page to provide more immediate access to our efforts. You can find this at
Steve, I just wanted to say thanks! CLSR is such a brilliant idea! See you Saturday.


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