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Transition Columbia


Transition Columbia

We are organizing a group people in the Columbia neighborhood who are interested in gardening, work parties, sharing resources and building community! Please feel free to join us and begin sharing gardening ideas, permaculture and community events!

Members: 28
Latest Activity: Jan 26, 2014

Discussion Forum

RE: getting together?

Started by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray. Last reply by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray Jan 26, 2014. 5 Replies

Hi!I got this message from Naomi but there was no way to reply to it and I did not see it here, so I am posting it as a…Continue

Columbia Neighborhood Room w/Private Bath for Rent

Started by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray Jan 24, 2014. 0 Replies

Furnished (or not), very private bedroom and full bathroom occupying entire second story of a 1215 s.f, home in Columbia.  Available immediately for one person only.  Shared kitchen, living room, and…Continue

Small Family Looking for "Home", in Columbia?

Started by Bryan Krueger Aug 26, 2013. 0 Replies

Hi Whatcome Transitioners!We are a family of four, with two little girls (2 yo and 1 mo) and are currently in Spokane. We are heading to resettle in the "better half" of the state ;) very soon and…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Heather K on June 23, 2010 at 12:16pm
Potluck - Picnic Style - Sunday June 27th - 5 pm
"Northern Urban Neighbor's Circle Dinner" -
First location of the summer:
Jasmin & Lonnie's at 1511 East Maplewood (NW & Meridian)
. (Note- Not W maplewood).
Walk slowly through the garden,
into the deep backyard edible forest clearing.

To Bring: potluck dish & eating utensils, and
blanket/mat/pillows to sit on the earth in a shared eating circle.

If you want more info leave a comment on Jasmin
(sounds like 'yahs-min') L. personal page.
(I'm just the messenger and may miss this shared time together).

If its Raining then Postponed until following Sunday, July 4th.

Remember to invite your neighbors,
who may not be online or may be isolated.

(I'm posting this on both the TW Birchwood & TW Columbia groups,
but anyone who considers themselves a northern neighbor or friend
is welcome).

(Future Sunday gatherings to follow at another neighbor who invites us for the next neighbors outdoor 'Circle Dinner-Picnic' ).
Purpose: To circle together, share a meal, and enable sharing & networking.
Comment by Heather K on May 28, 2010 at 9:20pm
Transition Columbia Potluck with a Purpose! This Saturday May 29th from 6-9pm at Meredith's home. Its also our local Sea-to Ski weekend and Memorial Day weekend!
Please take time to RSVP on the TransitionWhatcom site if you plan to attend. Here is the link to add your RSVP:
( I'll be there but I may arrive a little after 6pm!)

Reminder from rolling calendar- Quote:
"Meredith has a gas BBQ if you want to grill your main dish. This is a true potluck so we'll eat whatever shows up!
Bring what you'll need to eat with and off of, your own beverages, serving utensils, etc. Bring a chair if you can - I have about 10 for outdoors.Format of Potluck with a Purpose:
What do you have to offer to your neighbors? What do you need from your neighbors?
What accomplishments have you, your families, or our community members recently achieved?
What is happening around Columbia to share?
Questions? Call Meredith at 360-738-4071 or e-mail"
Comment by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray on April 18, 2010 at 4:07pm
Yes, we may just wait until June and have our PWP (Potluck with a Purpose) in Elizabeth Park! :-) There is the Broadway Youth Center and Broadway Hall but both are just outside of our 'hood boundaries. We already have our Columbia Neighborhood Ass'n. (CNA) annual potluck and concert there on Tuesday, July 13! Mark your calendars. We have The Walrus playing oldies/rock and roll again, too! Fun.
Comment by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray on April 18, 2010 at 9:39am
My son Taylor, 15, will be with me for Mother's Day so I send my regrets. I am limited to what I can physically do in a garden and do not have a garden myself, so I may just pop in for the potlucks sometime. I'd still love to have a Potluck with a Purpose (as Vicki Robins talked about) to include everyone, gardners/non-gardeners, able bodied and differently abled (?), if that's a term. Does anyone have an indoor space that can hold us? It may be too cool in the evening yet for outdoor meals - this weather is so changable. Sunday evenings are generallly good for me, except Mother's Day and first Sundays (when I go dancing!) Whatever we decide, I'll send to Flip Breskin to put in FlipMail which goes out to over 800 households in the CN. I don't know about Shannon's list - is she in the CN?
Comment by jasmin liepa on April 16, 2010 at 11:47pm
It would be fun to have rotating potlucks at each others gardens as weather the idea of sunday potlucks in afternoons....I have a nice grassy are in back....
Comment by Heather K on April 16, 2010 at 9:25pm
Rebecca, Thank you for speaking up and asking for clarification.
Re your request for clarity posted in Columbia group
on April 16th.. I hope the info I just posted below is helpful. I suspect my intent was misunderstood. Sometimes the best & most efficient way to resolve confusions is to just speak voice to voice with the person. I have passed on my phone number to you today, and I've been available by phone. (& tomorrow in person if requested).
The Columbia TW group is a a new group and the special “One Straw Revolution May 12 garden-tour with potluck” was being planned before this group was created. This event is an exceptional event because the editor/translator of the classic book on natural farming, Larry Korn, is coming town per my invite and I will be hosting him. The book “The One Straw Revolution” 1978, has been recently republished as a softback. There is a grassroots group of gardener/farmers that have been working together to create some events while Larry is here. Those have just been posted today on the TW Events page by Brian & David, who are working together with Chris E & myself , and I welcome other volunteer to help make this event happen.
I apologize if my posting caused you or other any confusion, when the intent was to share information, that was established before this group was started. It was Not in response to any other plannings of potlucks.
My current understand that so far the meeting notes & planning done on Day 2 of Unleashing in the Food-Farm group has not been posted. It may take awhile for that to happen as we are all volunteers, and many of us have been working hard to create the Great Unleashing event that brought together so many folks, and there have been many working groups initiated prior to the Unleashing event. I hope the information I've provided will be helpful & thank-you for your efforts in our neighborhood & bioregional Transition Initiatives...What a great community we have!

I think it would be useful for someone to start a seperate discussion under the 'TW Work-Group' in regards to Day 2's Sundays meeting notes & plans on the large Food & Farm & Garden group.
Do you know who has the Food & Farm notes and who has agreed to post them?

Comment by Rebecca Meloy 5 hours ago
Hi, I love the TW networking with everyone across the county, etc. . It is fabulous. But I am confused. I joined the Transition Columbia neighborhood, specifically, to meet neighbors in my immediate community. So, I am baffled, how was the Columbia Neighborhood potluck formed to tour people out of our neighborhood, to potluck in the Birchwood neighborhood, and have a fund-raiser for the Fairhaven neighborhood? All the plans are great, but is it really the event to launch this Transition Columbia neighborhood Group? It just does not make sense. Can ANYONE explain? Can anyone respond? I stepped up to the plate and offered my garden, also for the tour and no one, to the best of my knowledge, has responded and invited me, too. Is this truly, Columbia Neighborhood networking?
Comment by Heather K on April 16, 2010 at 9:15pm
Hi Everyone! If any gardeners are interested attending the May 12 garden-tour-potluck with Larry Korn I mentioned in the earlier post, then please contact me with RSVP andayour email/phone number.

The 'One Straw Revolution” Weds May 12 bike-carpool garden tour & potluck with donation requested event “ is a seperate event from any other Columbia potlucks that are planned and was intiated prior to the start of this TW group.
It is a special event with a visiting out of state guest and we will be bicycling & carpooling part of the time through the Columbia neighborhood.
The announcement of this event was Not replacing the launching of any Transition Columbia neighborhood gatherings.
I apologize if my posting caused any confusion, when the intent was to share information, that was established before this group was started. It was Not in response to any other plannings of potlucks.

I encourage all to continue planning for a Columbia hood gathering, just realize that if you plan it to be on the same date as Weds May 12,, some of your garden neighbors might not be able to attend both events.
Its your choice, as I was being helpful providing information on dates, on what has already been initiated.

For more information on why so many garden/farmers are interested in spending time with visiting guest Larry Korn while he visits, you can contact me, or read over the TW discussions on Natural Farming under my Organic Gardeners group, and also read the two blogs recently posted by Farmer-Writer David Pike.
Comment by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray on April 16, 2010 at 7:52pm
Hi! It seems as if we are combining the two 'hoods for the garden tour, which is great, but perhaps we can have separate potlucks so we can get to know folks in our own 'hood. Does anyone have a large enough home to host a potluck on the evening of Wed. May 12? Say 7 PM? My house is tiny or I'd offer! As far as being a fundraiser, that is likely optional. The Center for Self Reliance is a community center, not a neighborhood thing, which is in alignment with all that T.W. stands for. It is our intention to create synergy and continue to support wonderful community resources such as that Center, ReSources, Sustainable Connections, etc. Oh, and BTW, I am not the organizer of this group. Not sure who started it (thank you!!), but my position on the Neighborhood Board and Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Council is plenty for me! :-) Blessings all!
Comment by Jamie Jedinak on April 14, 2010 at 10:48pm
That's me up there on E. Maplewood Ave!!!
Comment by Forest Garden on April 13, 2010 at 10:38pm
heather what a beautiful description of you !

Members (26)


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