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Gaia Inspires (Art, Movies & Books)


Gaia Inspires (Art, Movies & Books)

Creating space for people to share wonderful art, movies & books rooted in gaia's heart. Educating, inspiring & communing humans with the nature in our Beings & upon the beautiful mother whom gives us all a ground of growth, a home.

Location: Bellingham
Members: 16
Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2012

Discussion Forum

Sketches of Spain

Started by David MacLeod. Last reply by Patricia Herlevi Jan 29, 2012. 1 Reply

As I transition to a lower energy world and footprint, I've been letting go of some of my collections of books, records, and cds. What can I let go of, and what has enough profound importance for me…Continue

What I Be

Started by David MacLeod Dec 15, 2009. 0 Replies

What I Beby Michael Franti and SpearheadIf I could be the sunI'd radiate like Africa andSmile upon the worldIntergalactic love laughter andIf I were the rains, I'd wash away the whole world's pain…Continue

Tags: franti, michael

Shared Leadership - "Seeing Nature - deliberate encounters with the visible world"

Started by Heather K. Last reply by Morgan Sep 25, 2009. 1 Reply

Inspiring reflections of visions & patterns within nature, that can be used to inspire us in creating our comunity's permaculture landscapes & cultures. Paul Krafel's book, “Seeing Nature”,…Continue

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Comment by David Waugh on October 30, 2009 at 2:55pm
I've heard about that and it would be very interesting to go to, but it's scheduled at the same time as the heart and soul group's meeting. I'll need to make a decision on which to go to...
Comment by David MacLeod on October 30, 2009 at 2:42pm
This should be really good! at Village Books Literature Live - David

Gordon Hempton
--One Square Inch:
One Man's Search for
Natural Silence in a Noisy World

Time: Thursday, November 5, 7:00pm
Location: Village Books Readings Gallery

Washington State is home to the only non-tropical rain forest in the northern hemisphere-in part of Olympic National Park. Here, in arguably the quietest place in the country, One Square Inch is physically located. Marked by a small red stone sitting on a log, a location that Emmy Award-winning sound ecologist Gordon Hempton hopes to protect from noise pollution along with a much larger area of the park. When his One Square Inch initiative became increasingly threatened by man-made noise, Hempton decided to take a cross-country journey from Washington State to Washington, DC, in his '64 VW bus, seeking out the sounds of our nation's natural habitats and reconnecting with the land. Alarmingly, he found that natural silence can only be found in fewer than a dozen remote locations. This is the incredible tale of a man on a singular mission to preserve natural silence from the steady spread of man-made noise.

Gordon Hempton is an acoustic ecologist and Emmy Award-winning sound recordist who has provided audio services to Discovery and National Public Radio, and other organizations, and who has been profiled by major media including CBS News Sunday Morning, and NPR.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on October 28, 2009 at 8:44pm
The Transition Art gig seems to be getting covered in two different groups. Any chance you could consolidate them or direct the conversation to one group or the other? Seems like Transition Expressions seems more appropriate, right? Or not - its up to you. I will move over there for furthering this comment.
Comment by Travis Linds on October 27, 2009 at 9:00pm
I thought the previous artwork was beautiful and agree it was a good symbol for our gaia! I am sad to see it go :(
Comment by Heather K on October 27, 2009 at 7:31pm
Hi All! I love that many of us recognize the salty watery world we transitioned from and Morgan's creative & inspiring spirit!
I'll look forward to future art logo's and a return of the Doorway Through Gaia's Womb.

Morgan, I'd be interested in working together to co-create event on Jan 16th......Lets talk on phone sometime about your thoughts on combining your art vision at Bloom with a few speakers on 'Saving Gaia's Seeds' ......This artist event could be a celebration & point towards the future community sponsored winter seed swap - "Seeds-Into the Hands of the People" I would be honored to support your vision and match schedules to bring together other folks with a shared vision.....Lets connect on phone or in person sometime and see how things flow.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on October 27, 2009 at 3:33pm
Morgan, I love the idea of doing a Transition Art Show at Bloom! Could you get together a description of your vision to invite artists to participate? We could then send it out on our eblasts to all members as well as publicize it other ways....GREAT IDEA! I am looking forward to participating and will begin to spread the word.

Also, I love the new art you selected - is that a piece you have done, too? I would like to see the original of the last piece - the one of the vagina. Does it have a name? Are you also the artist that created your self portrait on your profile page? The depth of your heart is apparent in your work and I LOVE it! It has been such a treat getting to know you.
Comment by Morgan on October 27, 2009 at 2:34pm
Hey All,

I would like to organize an event in bellingham doing an art gallery with local artists work that pertains to this transition movement we are a part of. Perhaps we could pair it up with another transition event, like the January seed swap. I am thinking of using the space at Bloom (the new organic vegan restaurant downtown on Cornwall). I just thought I'd throw this idea out here and see how others feel about it and if you guys have any ideas/brainstorming to add.

~ As for the artwork representing this site... you didn't directly name it Travis, but I'm sure you and David both got it. It is indeed an artistic expression of the doorway in which each of us human beings and many other life forms on this planet enter this world, that being the vagina, (yes, I said it, the vagina) further symbolizing the doorway in which our mother gaia has brought us through her womb into this world.
I did go ahead an change it because I don't want to offend any one. Though I do still believe the vagina is a beautiful symbol of gaia, our mother and of the life affirming force of creation on our planet and that is precisely the reason I had this drawing of mine as the logo for gaia inspires.
Comment by David MacLeod on October 26, 2009 at 10:09am
my thoughts exactly!
Comment by Travis Linds on October 25, 2009 at 8:24pm
I did not make it thru Sacred Demise, I am currently reading the transistion handbook instead. I may get back to it, not sure.

As for the artwork, I think you were close thinking they were lips, just not of an older man's - lol
Comment by David MacLeod on October 25, 2009 at 2:31pm
I think we should have a contest to see who can name what the artwork being used for the Gaia Inspires Group represents.

At first it looked to me like the lips of an older man, with a goatee on his chin.

Now I'm thinking something totally different, but I don't want to say.

On a more serious note, relating to the discussion of Sacred Demise. I am reading that book also, rather slowly. I still really have mixed feelings, because I'm not totally comfortable blaming civilization, and I don't think neo-tribalism is the answer. However, the parts that talk about our need to slow down and take in on a deep and personal level the possibility of collapse is very important.

I highly suggest checking out the discussion on the New Dimensions radio program with Andrew Harvey: "Rumi and the Apocalypse" which touches on some of the same issues raised in the book. I'll try to find the link later.

Also books by Erich Fromm have provided a lot of insight for me: "To Have or To Be" and The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. "

Members (16)


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