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Straight Vegetable Oil CO-OP


Straight Vegetable Oil CO-OP

Join the co-op and work together to filter and dewater waste vegetable oil. We have all the equipment & raw materials to dewater and filter vegetable oil for use as a diesel fuel alternative.

Location: Ulrich Acre - Ferndale WA
Members: 12
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2012


By working together we can share the work and collect, filter and dewater waste vegetable oil (WVO). Waste vegetable oil can be stored, dewatered, settled, pumped (pneumatic pumps with compressor) and filtered (1 micron/5 microm dual, cleanable bag filters).

Located at Ulrich Acre (

Bonnie and Micha Filtering oil for their trip to California


Tom and Luna Filtering oil for their SVO Van

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Comment by Chris Wolf on December 6, 2012 at 6:25pm

I am going to Clearwater Ecovillage this weekend to teach in their Permaculture Design Course about veggie oil as a fuel for vehicles, light, heat, and cooking. So excited! Pretty soon we will be moving all the veggie oil cooperative to Travis's new home out in Ferndale.

Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on July 5, 2011 at 11:19am

Good job Travis. Hopefully your setup can be replicated throughout the county, thus insuring markets with full shelves in times ahead.

Comment by Travis Linds on July 5, 2011 at 9:57am

The co-op is fully function now at River Haven Farm.

Comment by Scott A. Sanderson on April 1, 2011 at 12:54pm
Hey we inspire each other !  As soon as you get your Facebook page updated with this info be sure to share it with me. I will promote it far and wide, I'd imagine that we could get people moving on it in BC and beyond also. I know a lot of people up there, More everyday !
Comment by Heather K on April 1, 2011 at 12:47pm

Hi Travis, you can post a link to your offering on my faceboo page too.

Also consider posting on the Whatcom Farmers list serve email.

Local farmers may have the land & building, and some are already making & using biodiesel for their tractors.

Also, consider contacting one of our first environmentally aware mechanics, Larry, at Rainbow Auto....who kept auto fluids out of the soil & water table decades before it was a 'law'.

Comment by Travis Linds on April 1, 2011 at 11:34am
I revised my FCE add so that it will be sent out again, I have had an add for a while. Putting up on our facebook pages is also a good idea. thanks for your help. You have inspired me to make this happen, you and the rising cost of fuel!
Comment by Scott A. Sanderson on April 1, 2011 at 10:12am
Hi Travis;

 I forwarded your  TW Email / Message to Francis at Fourth Corner Exchange.  I am thinking that someone within our 3 spheres of influence could find a location to do the processing. If you would like to write a short 'wanted' ad  on FCE. It could be pasted to My and Your Facebook pages, My FCE page and for general distribution.  -  I'm confident that it could happen soon.
 I may not make it to meetings,  But I do tend to get the word out on pending important issues, and yours is something that more folks everyday see as vital to our sustainability.

 Thanks, Scott
Comment by Travis Linds on April 1, 2011 at 8:35am
Scott, yes, that is exactly what we plan to do, sell biodiesel for life dollars. And a means of bartering for ethanol to use in gasoline engines significantly broadens the range of fuel. We still need a suitable space for this coop. ANY IDEAS? We need a space, ideally close to Bellingham, covered and ideally heated (need heat for cold weather production). We have the waste veg oil and equipment, all we need is a space. Please get the word out and lets see if we can get this coop started. We will all share in the fuel.
Comment by Scott A. Sanderson on March 31, 2011 at 10:56pm
Hey Travis;

 Is there any way that people can buy biofuel using alternative currency / Life Dollars? - I brought it up at the last Fourth corner meeting. It seems far more sustainable and affordable then our current fuel suppliers, Not to mention our  ' Banking system'...
 Also, I spoke with some close personal friends of mine who are primarily potato farmers with huge, HUGE operations in Manitoba about running there equipment on fuel that there processing facility could produce and even trade back and forth between bio diesel and ethanol. - They really liked it when I mentioned Cleaner Soil Water, and Air and Crops.
 I will let you know when they get back with me. 

 I'm still trying to get to an EDAP meeting please don't count me out yet !
 Thanks for all that you do !
 - Scott
Comment by Chris Wolf on March 31, 2011 at 10:35pm
Hi friends... I am looking for someone to help me convert my little diesel truck to accomodate Waste Veggie Oil, and/or biodiesel.  I have all the parts, but I have ZERO mechanical knowledge and don't want to attempt this by myself.  I would love to barter/trade for the help... offering Permaculture/garden consultation, fresh eggs, or other kind of help you might need.  Thanks!!

Members (11)


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