The TWOG will be meeting every other Wednesday starting 8/25/10 starting at 6pm. Initially the meetings will be at Paul Kearsley's home at 2609 Cedarwood Ave Bellingham. Anyone is welcome to attend or to send a question that needs addressing. For now send questions to Tom Anderson at
TWOG Meeting 12/15/10
Present: Tom Anderson, Paul Kearsley, Travis Linds, Warren Miller, Juliet Thompson, Laura Sellens
A summary of the key items discussed at the meeting to inform Transition Whatcom members who might be interested in providing feedback to the TWOG.
1) Debrief of Assembly Highlights
a. Check with David on guidelines for membership and events, create a written doc- Travis
b. Work with Angela McLeod to fold workgroup feedback into organized groupings based on assembly discussion/categories- Travis
c. Keep Assembly as name. Next meeting in March.
d. Transition Drinks, interface with Chris/Adam- Travis with Paul’s help.
2) Work Party
a. Need Jan party ideas, TWOG to provide Laura with ideas.
3) Sustainable Bellingham- Tom to attend board meeting and report.
4) Blog Schedule- Agreed to
5) Ning Site-
a. Travis will approve events and membership
b. Travis will update and send out proposal to move events to more prominence on the Ning site.
c. We will ask David to put proposal together on updating site. Travis will check with Reese and Amy Martin to see what they are doing. Juliet and Travis will organize web group meetings.
6) Hub meeting-
a. Organized by David Marshak. Travis will ask David to post it.
7) Resources Reskilling-
a. Resources is asking for courses. What do our members want to do? Paul will talk to Cindi (Folk School) and then coordinate with Hannah at Resources,
8) Marketing Effort Discussion-
a. What should our goal be?
i. Focus will be on Work Group Enablement
b. Visual Campaign Ideas- How do we make TW more visible?
i. Warren will schedule a planning meeting. Paul will provide some names of people we should include.
9) Proposal to revamp work groups
a. Need to find new leaders for inactive groups or delete the group.
b. The proposal suggests that groups could be re-vitalized by reforming them annually, and people would rejoin groups that they want to participate in. Concerns were raised about saving the history of the groups.
c. Juliet will ask David to review the proposal to see what is possible.
10) Warren will move the Blog from the Twog to the Blog section. Will send out instructions.
11) Juliet presented a proposal for adding TWOGs at the meeting on November 17th, and now will put together a ning blast to encourage and request applications for 2 new Twog positions.
12) Laura will check on printing costs for flags.
Transition Whatcom First Assembly Meeting 12/11/10
1) Introduction and Work Group Report
Goshen - Started spring ’09 and created a list of resources/skills/tools/etc, 25 members, wiki website, have a shared shredder, doing grain/peas/millet research, seed share, 5 homes with solar panels, <and an impressive list of other stuff>.
Personal Finance- have had multiple meetings and have a handout that has been used to help people decide on local banking alternatives.
Ning Website- has been up and working well, Travis will now be helping David with postings and new members, have a bi-weekly meeting to discuss/plan improvements.
Living Democracy- have had multiple meetings and an active discussion on the Ning site.
Heart and Soul- have helped with local presentations, training and an open space. Active group.
Herbalism- have 14 members and have done training sessions for making medicinals from local sources.
Reskilling- opportunity to create a ‘University’ like environment – Folk School - similar to NW Freedom University, needs additional members for an initiating group.
2) Toms state of the world report
a. IEA report
3) Work group survey report
a. Only 15 responses
b. Would like to understand what barriers exist to Work group action
4) TWOG Intro
5) Discussion
a. Is the status of the work groups a problem or is this the normal way these things work?
b. Is there something the TWOG needs to do to make work groups successful?
c. Ning site as a good way to capture institutional memory.
d. Are there consistent obstacles for work groups?
e. Can the Ning site be used to help drive the EDAP?
f. What are the guidelines for posting events/workshops?
g. The important thing is to have the Transition Whatcom structure remove roadblocks- for example working with the government, need to find a way to do this.
h. Post the great unleashing there was lots of energy, to get action you need a common shared goal.
i. Can the next goal be the EDAP (Maybe EDAPT instead?) with a limited number of categories. How do we get as many people involved as possible?
j. Can we capture a short, one paragraph summary after each event as collective memory?
k. Can we sponsor Transition Drinks with a table for each section of the EDAPT and capture thoughts and actions? Face to Face meetings drive movements.
l. The summary of these discussions could go out as an email to other interested members to drive more involvement in the Drinks and Work Group activity.
m. Creating energized work groups will make creating the EDAPT easy.
n. One way the Transition Goshen folks help generate activity is at the end of every meeting they ask if anyone has a project they need help on this week.
o. Need to start the fact finding portion of the EDAPT so we can tell if the Work Group ideas can actually work in Whatcom county.
p. How do we take this kind of work and make it sexy?
6) Action Plans
a. Create reporting threads on the Ning site to be used to capture institutional memory (Adam/David)
b. Initiate Transition Drinks- find venue, etc (Adam/Chris)
c. EDAPT planning- Erica
7) Visioning Exercise- Chris Wolf
a. The group formed the following subgroups and conducted the visioning exercise thinking about the ideal future for their theme and listed a couple elements they discussed- Energy (Horses, Windmills), Government (government working with the community), Community (Land stewardship, sharing resources), Ecology (our world in harmony as a multi-sensory garden, people with skills who care), Heart and Soul (personal discussions instead of Facebook), Transportation (fewer cars, energy efficient public transit), Finance (Relocalization, facilitate connections between people).
8) EDAPT Action Proposal
a. Volunteers signed up to the core group- Erica and Travis will facilitate
i. Francis Ayley, Lia Ayley, Irene Hinkle, Adam Ward and Tris Shirley
9) Actions Voted on-
a. Transition Drinks monthly, Council meeting quarterly (Both passed)
10) Agenda for Council Meeting
a. Plans for the future, celebration of past action, fool on the council to speak the truth, update the working groups on TWOG activity, review inputs from Transition Drinks, improve communications for non-computer users, use schools, grange halls, etc for meetings, informal social time, line music, child care option.
TWOG Meeting 12/29/10
Present: Tom , Paul, Warren, Juliet , Laura, Erica
Absent: Travis, Angela
Guest: Kate Clark
A summary of the key items discussed at the meeting to inform Transition Whatcom members who might be interested in providing feedback to the TWOG.
1) Assembly Meeting-
a. Plan for a mid-March meeting as a work/prep day for the April Event.
b. Any progress on Transition Drinks (Transition Café?) idea- Paul will follow-up.
2) Work Parties
a. Need a Jan Event- Paul will contact Liz @ school garden collective about a possible Jan event.
b. Target Shuksan School for a Feb event
c. Juliet will look into an event at Inspiration Farm.
3) Sustainable Bellingham Meeting- Debrief by Tom
a. Outcome is that we can get event insurance or accept tax deductable donations via SB if we need to. Tom will attend Feb board meeting.
4) Revamping Workgroups-
a. How to distinguish between Action groups and Discussion groups? Encourage the groups to put one or the other word in their name.
b. Juliet will start the analysis of groups, find out about the archive feature and report back to the next meeting.
5) Hub Meeting Proposal- Jan 13th 7-9PM. Location TBD.
a. Juliet will call Dave Marshak to find out status. Travis to post event.
6) Email list of people interested in TW but not on Ning site.
a. Laura will send out list.
b. Warren will ask David if the email list can also receive the Ning Blast.
7) Flag Cost- Laura contacted vendor and is waiting for a response.
8) Volunteers- Juliet to send out list of names to TWOG.
9) TWOG Application-
a. Laura will send out the old TWOG member application for TWOG review.
10) EDAPt-
a. Erica will contact EDAPt folks and get an email thread/meeting schedule organized.
11) Food Security Discussion-
a. Kate attended the TWOG meeting to give a Food Security update. The idea of a Food Security Summit has come up. Sustainable Connections might be doing something like this in 2012. Can we do one earlier, maybe around the time of our April Event? Kate may ask Cindi to contact Sustainable Connections to see what their plan is and try and identify partnership opportunities. Kate volunteered to contact helpers and schedule a Food Security Summit Planning meeting.
12) Transition Whatcom and Political Involvement- Kate
a. This topic has come up again as the work on the site has moved along. How much should we say about our stand on Political Involvement on the web site? What level of involvement is the TWOG comfortable with? After some discussion and background from Kate no proposal was presented. We will revisit this as needed in future meetings.
13) April event – A planning group is being organized by Warren, and he is in the process of finding a meeting date and location.
TWOG Meeting 01/12/11
Attendees: Tom, Laura, Juliet, Erica, Warren, Paul, Travis
Not Present: Angela, Erica
A summary of the key items discussed at the meeting to inform Transition Whatcom members who might be interested in providing feedback to the TWOG.
1) Old Business
i. Inspiration Farm, Gardens for Foodbank
i. Archive didn’t work yet
ii. Create a drop down list on top tabs
iii. Juliet will discuss at next web group meeting
2) April Event-
i. 3-4 people willing to volunteer
ii. Mark Lakeman from Portland city repair is putting together an outreach group, May timeframe
i. Globalization vs Localization
ii. We want to show it
iii. Laura will set-up a doodle for a review showing for TWOG+
3) TWOG Structure
4) Seed Swap/Green Group Politics
5) BLOG needs
6) Google Docs Update
7) Policy for new group formation
8) Transportation Group
TWOG meeting 2/23/11
Present: Angela, Tom, Warren, Juliet, Laura
1. Ning site member issues: It was decided to make personal contact with members when it is felt that content on the ning site could be overly disturbing, repetitive or when content could appear to be endorsed by the entire organization, if in reality it is not.
2. May Event: Warren compiled all the ideas for the May event to date. It was decided that a series of events would happen over one weekend based on the City Repair offer to come to Bellingham. Tentative dates: May 13-15. We will continue to discuss a Re-Skilling Faire as a possible fall event. Discussed focus on personal/family scale, examples: Transition for renters/owners, Transition study group. Laura will contact David MacLeod and see about starting a study group in March.
3. Juliet will prepare an agenda, contact a speaker, and arrange for a facility for the next Assembly, to be held March 27th.
Laura will organize the next Hub meeting for April.
4. New twogs and applicants were discussed. Warren and Laura will contact potential twogs and invite them to future twog meetings. Tom will talk to Travis about dividing EDAP/TWOG responsibilities and what he wants to do.
5. Juliet will firm up the details of the next TW Work Party to be held at Inspiration Farm on March 20th from 1 until 5 pm. Skills: animal husbandry/goats, possibly others
6. Discussed Living Democracy group and their plans for Democracy School.
7. Angela will complete proposal guidelines for requesting TW funds.
8. Laura will reimburse David Waugh $23 for website hosting.
9. Discussed Resilience Nursery Project idea. Laura will make a real proposal next time.
10. Juliet is working on a mock-up of workgroups page on ning site. She will complete and present at March web team meeting.
11. A monthly or bi-monthly twog work day was also discussed, and will be re-visited at the next meeting.
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