Transition Whatcom

Well, to be honest, these are "virtual" visits. 

Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq is the author of "A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization, and How to Save It," and he is narrative voice of the movie Transition Whatcom is sponsoring at the Pickford's "Limelight" theater (the old Pickford on Cornwall): The Crisis of Civilization, on Thursday, April 26th.  It is a very compelling movie that brings together the numerous themes we sometimes refer to as a "perfect storm" of events, but creative way this movie is put together makes the tough medicine go down a bit easier. 

There's a great review at Transition Voice, and you can see the trailer there too. Lindsey Curren calls it "Fun, funny, engaging and ultimately a powerful call-to-action”.  More info at our event listing here.

And then, on Saturday, April 28, 2012,  I'm hosting a workshop taught by David Holmgren via DVD.  From Holmgren's Permaculture Teaching Kit, we have a recording of him teaching an all day workshop covering his 12 Permaculture Principles, which are applicable to all aspects of life.  We will specifically look at examples including biological husbandry (gardening, etc.), physical systems (materials, water & energy, etc.), and human organization (personal and collective behavior, and invisible structures of community).

Deadline for signing up through Whatcom Folk School is Wednesday the 25th.  If you're interested, but this date doesn't work for you, please contact me at miles58 at yahoo dot com - we may end up scheduling a different date. More info: TW Event Listing Here.

To get a sense of Holmgren's views, check out these videos:

Permaculture and Peak Oil: Beyond Sustainability

Short Excerpt from the Teaching Kit Video on Principles

Permaculture Principles E-Book

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After the film tonight, there will be a discussion facilitated by Emily Farrell and Tom Anderson about how we might respond to the information presented, and what we all are doing.  This is a good film to invite those family members, or friends who have not yet been exposed to much solid info about the converging crises we are facing.


Also, my "Beyond Sustainability" class is being rescheduled, and the price is being reduced! The most likely date will be May 19th. When that is confirmed, I will update the event listing. Email me if you're interested.

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