"The Age of Stupid" is a simple but profound story. Humans one-hundred years in the future look back in time to a critical "tipping point" in our history as a species. They focus on a generation where a great choice needed to be made, one that would have an impact for generations to come--indeed the very survival of our species and that of our fellow species would hang in the balance of the response to this tipping point issue.
This historical look into the past labeled the era when critical decisions needed to be made as "The Age of Stupid." As you might guess, the recipients of this tipping point decision were not pleased with the choice--or that they had to live with the outcome.
Who have they focused their critical assessment on? Which generation of humans is deserving of this future scorn? The "deciders" who earned their era the descriptor "The Age of Stupid," from future generations, is our generation--the first generation to discover the cumulative effects of limitless consumption, but chose to continue "business as usual," instead of facing the global challenge their generation had created.
"The Age of Stupid" is the ultimate grassroots film. Thousands of individual contributors from across the globe provided the financing to make this film. It is not distributed through normal corporate channels, to be made available in shopping mall cineplexes across the country. It is distributed via a non-profit internet based system and shown in non-commercial venues. Whatcom County is one of the few places that this film will be shown in Washington State. Transition Whatcom is delighted to be the organization that can bring this important film to our area. TW will offer two showings on Saturday March 27, 2010 at the Firehouse Performing Arts Center (1314 Harris St) in Fairhaven. Showtimes are 7 pm and 9 pm. A $5 suggested donation is requested.
"The Age of Stupid" is from the director of "McLibel."
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