Transition Whatcom

Greetings all ye TW members!  And welcome New Members!

Not sure if you heard the word but Transition U.S. has been tooting our horn!  We are expecting guests from Sandpoint, Idaho, from Seattle and Vancouver, from Portland and from Eugene, …..

And did you catch that there are now over 60 official Transition Initiatives in the United States?!  We are the 17th.

  •     People are watching us far and wide.

Today The Great Unleashing FUNdraising Committee is here to report in.

In SUMMARY, using the revised current (and $2000 reduced) budget –

  •     We have raised (incl. unpaid pledges) $6637!!  We are over half way there - Thank you, Everyone! J
  •     We have received the equivalent of $4550 of in-kind services and donations!  Again, THANK YOU!
  •     We have 3 weeks before The Great Unleashing and we still need to raise $6163

The FUNdraising Committee has been busy making phone calls, writing letters and meeting with potential sponsors and donors. 

I have included a recent FUNdraising Report below. 

Early next week we will put out a Wish List request for things needed for the event – like extension cords, volunteers to do specific tasks, plants to borrow for ambience, sound systems to borrow, etc…

So, if you haven’t donated to The Great Unleashing yet, please consider this your opportunity.  Or if you want to be a sponsor, shoot us an email.  We will be glad to get you the information you need!

Here is the address to send checks to (or feel free to drop by to drop one off during normal week day business hours):

Transition Whatcom
c/o Cindi Landreth
3310 Northwest Ave.
Bellingham, WA  98225

Or call: Cindi Landreth 360-319-9092

3.17.10 FUNdraising Report

Current USD budget: $10,000 - $13,000
1.    Facility
2.    Insurance
3.    Speakers/Transportation
4.    Food and Lodging for Speakers
5.    Waste Management
6.    Printed promotional materials plus event signage
7.    Promotional misc
8.    Supplies
9.    Food Vending
10.    Miscellaneous
11.    Facilitators

Income To Date:
To Date USD money received:  $5887
1.    plea letter donations from members = $1485
2.    house parties = $500
3.    sponsorships = $3855
4.    donations = $562
5.    Beginning account balance = $235
To Date pledges unpaid: $750 (wink, wink,…nudge, nudge…please send check!)
TOTAL USD pledged and/or paid: $6637

Total in-kind sponsors and services to date: $4550

Total Life Dollars [LDs] donated to date: 400 LDs (From Fourth Corner Exchange; 1 LD = ~$10 USD)

TOTAL committed = 280 LDs
Starting funds = 400 LDs
Remaining = 120 LDs

USD yet to be raised based on current budget: $6163

Regarding Tickets for the Great Unleashing

You may have noticed on posters for the Great Unleashing that tickets are being sold for $15 as a "Voluntary Donation."  Please know that this is indeed voluntary, and that no one will be turned away for lack of funds. We want to encourage those who can't afford to buy tickets - please come to the Great Unleashing! For those who can afford to help us raise the necessary funds to put this event on, please purchase advance tickets at Village Books, the Community Food Co-op, and Terra Organica.

Please See Attachments Below.
  1. This FUNdraising report in it's designed format
  2. The Sponsorship Levels document
  3. The Great Unleashing Flyer

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