Transition Whatcom

Check it out, a new Table of Contents page for the "Discussions"
category that includes various sorting options. You'll now see Forums,
Blogs, and Chat under the Discussions tab. Let me know what you think.

Coming Soon! Look for similar top level Menus soon for other tabs, such as Groups and Events.

FYI, Angela and I are currently in the process of moving to a new house we just purchased (Hello Transition Birchwood!). Therefore you're not seeing me much around here lately. I'm sorry I have not been able to reply to all of the messages and requests - it's a very busy and hectic time for me. 

Many thanks to those who are stepping in to help with the administration of this website. Kate Clark is approving new members, Groups, and Events.  Heather K. and Rob Olason are helping folks navigate this site (See the discussion in the Transition Work Groups page, "Using This Website: Computer Tips & Tricks and Your Questions -  And David Waugh is helping update pages.

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David, Thanks for implementing this "Discussions" link. I think it opens the site up in a wonderful new way. To make this link even more useful, I would like to suggest that we all chose a category for any of our postings we add. The category selection box appears under your posting entry box if you are adding a discussion, forum or blog entry. You even have a category option if you are adding a video link to the site.

I've noticed that the largest number of postings are currently listed under the "General" category, which is the default category when no other category is selected.

I'm wondering if anyone else has felt an additional subject category would better classify your posting? What additional category options would help to organize the postings in a more functional way?

David, again thanks for discovering a new way to make this site even more useful--or should I say "more resilient?"

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