Transition Whatcom

Mission and Purpose Statement for workgroup aka 10-10-10

The workgroup aka 10-10-10 has created a mission and purpose statement on the 350 workgroup  page here on the Transition Whatcom site. We want to build on last year's local perennial project which was part of the world-wide environmental action created by

This year is organizing another world-wide day of action for October 10, 2010 (10-10-10). We are laying the ground work for another day of planting at area schools. We are also looking to be a hub for other 10-10-10 inspired actions including the grain threshing event in Goshen.

We are seeking more hands and minds to join us in organizing this effort. We need to create a core group to lay the groundwork to make these events happen. If you would like to participate, contact Tristan at or Rob at

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A grain threshing event in Goshen? How'd you hear about it? Has it been posted as an Event on this website yet?
David, Stephanie Davis is a Goshen member (also a member of our 10 10 10 work group) and she said this is an event they are planning and want to include it as part of the 10 10 10 effort.

While the perennial project will be a major focus of the 10 10 10 activities, we want others to consider doing something in their neighborhoods on that day that could tie-in with this project.

My goal would be to see projects springing up all across the county. We are hoping people would begin listing their projects here so this group can be an info source for all participants. It is our hope that people who are inspired and motivated by the world-wide 10 10 10 project, and want to jump in to a local project will have many options to participate.
Good statement from TW 350 group page:
Mission Statement: To facilitate a series of community events on October 10th, 2010 (10-10-10), centered on the theme of 350 ppm (parts per million) and sustainability.

Purpose Statement: On October 10th, 2010 individuals and communities around the globe will gather to demonstrate our collective needs and desires for a sustainable future. It will center around the theme of 350 ppm (the threshold to which our atmosphere can sustain carbon dioxide levels) and will follow up last year's global day of action on October 24th, 2009, in which the world witnessed one of the largest global demonstrations in human history.

Whatcom County participated on the 2009 October 24th with The Perennial Project, which was dedicated to planting over 350 edible perennials around our county. We teamed up with The Whatcom School Gardening Collective, which resulted in most of our perennials helping start organic gardens within our school system.

This year we wish to continue our relationship with the WSGC and to further develop these gardens with another round of the Perennial Project. To be congruent with 10-10-10 symbolism one of our goals will be to plant 10 fruit or nut trees for 10 schools in the Whatcom area. However, The Perennial Project doesn't need to be the focus of the whole event. We would like and encourage people to be able to utilize this day as an opportunity to manifest whatever projects are brewing for them. The more we are able to collectively gather and work for a common goal, the more unified and dynamic our efforts will manifest.

Please contact Tristan ( 801 5590) for more information
Is there a local non-profit group who will sponsor receiving monitary or in-kind donations for the 350 event?
(Possibly Common Threads Farm or the Re Store ?)

(Last year in 2009 the individuals who donated who gave $$USD did not receive a receipt that could be used towards tax records.)Also, I'm not sure if the trees or gardens that received them in 09, have yet been labeled,or the donors notified where their trees were planted.

I can offer to work on a team that goes to each school selected to help the students/teachers decide the best location for their vision on where to plant each tree....Maybe work together with Chris W and ask a few of us permaculturists to get together for a full day before any planting.
I prefer to know any work dates far in advance to schedule in.
Thanks, Heather for bringing up these points. Do you recommend Common Threads or Re-store as non-profit co-sponsors?
Hi those excited about 10/10/10!!!
I am looking to organize a list of what is happening in our area and doing some PR to get local people involved.
I work with 10:10 (see and am in charge of Washington state...please let me know if someone else is planning to do PR so I don't duplicate. Also, for monetary donations, anyone can make one to 10:10 Washington as our main focus is 10/10/10, if that helps. Contact me for details.
Thanks, Jill

Jill MacIntyre Witt

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