Transition Whatcom

The fist signs of Spring our showing up in our area.  Exciting!

It's a good time to re-group and sets goals and intensions for this up-coming gleaning season. 

So, I'd like to hear from all of you - why you joined this group, what about gleaning most excites you, previous experienc(s) that may be helpful or insightful, gleaning steategies, possible allies, your level of involvement/leadership you would like, even scheduling logistics would be useful.  It's all open for discussion.

Also, take a look at the gleaning flier pdf on the previous discussion.  What are your thoughts about its design?  Will it work for us this year? 

Should we have a meeting soon, maybe middle March?  What days/times work?

Thanks for participating in this discussion, and enjoy digging your heels into Spring!

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Hi Christie!

Couple of things come to my mind to respond to your query!  I'm very new to gleaning, just started last season. 

1.  Could we link up with the gleaning opptys provided by the food bank?  I went on one glean with them for apples late in the season.  It was great to save thousands of pounds of apples from being wasted, and instead they went to feed the hungry.  The gleaners got to keep a bucket or two for  themselves, and I've been making many loaves of apple spice cake and apple crisp all winter!


2.  It seems that many of the food bank gleaning opptys have been during the morning/early afternoon.  That is rather hard for many people to get to, but perhaps that is the time that works for the farmer? - don't know.  Late afternoon/early evening would probably accommodate more people's schedules (daylight permitting).

3.  We need to develop a way to get an earlier "heads up."  Some gleaning opptys came up for the following day when plans have often already made.  It is nice to plan ahead for carpooling as well. 

Haven't seen the .pdf - did I miss something?  :-)

That is all I can think of for now!

I wonder what is the status of the gleaning map that the Western students were working on?  It would be great to publish in online and allow members to add fruit trees, bushes, etc/locations, to fill out the picture.



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