(DRAFT written by John C. Hammell
Point Roberts/Whatcom County Safety Net
556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA
800-333-2553 H&W N.America
360-945-0352 World)
submitted to Whatcom County Council 2/22/11 7PM
Submitted to Whatcom County Council for consideration as a way to alert the public… I envision Whatcom County serving as a model for the rest of the country to emulate.
[I read the County Budget and realize you have a deficit of $1,271,117.
If there are 40,000 house holds in Whatcom County (rough estimate from 2010 US Census), and if the county were to get a mailing rate of .15 per letter, it would cost roughly $6,000. to do the mailing I’m envisioning. If it would be hard for the County to afford the full cost of this mailing. I would be willing to help raise part of the cost via private donations and know Trevor Lyman, the genius behind Ron Paul’s “money bombs” via which he successfully raised millions for Ron Paul’s campaign. I could get his help to do a money bomb for this purpose.]
Dear Citizen of Whatcom County:
As of 2011 the current sea of red ink strangling our Federal Government has now topped $100 trillion, and the operating budget deficit of Whatcom County is $1,271,117! It appears that it is only a matter of time before all of our futures are adversely and permanently effected. The time is NOW to take action. The key word is preparation.
A “perfect” economic storm is heading straight for us equivalent in danger to a Force 5 Hurricane. China, Japan and other countries are no longer willing to buy our bonds, so the Federal Reserve is monetizing debt via Qualitative Easing 2 to create $600 Billion out of thin air which will nearly DOUBLE the number of...
This is a recipe for disaster, and its happening right at the same time oil is expected by many experts to more than DOUBLE in price over the coming year. At the SAME time, we’re contending with a GLOBAL FOOD SHORTAGE that is driving commodity prices for wheat, corn, soybeans sky high. This could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, causing the whole house of cards to come crashing down.
After much deliberation, we’ve decided to proactively provide you with a heads up regarding this potentially life threatening unfolding situation that has been called to our attention by some people from Point Roberts as well as others throughout the county who feel a strong moral imperative to help us all get organized due to the obvious possability of a total collapse of the US Dollar. Several of us on the County Council are personally preparing, and we urge you to also.
Please take 7 minutes to watch “The Day the Dollar Died” by the National Inflation Association at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8gJSMoOJc This is an imaginary news broadcast set in the year 2012 which provides a chilling depiction of what could actually happen in the near future. If enough of us work together, we might be able to prevent the events depicted in this video from actually occuring.
We must hope for the best, while planning for the worst! There is also a SILVER LINING in this otherwise dark cloud that we’ll explore below…. So there is opportunity even in this otherwise potentially very bleak situation- this is not ALL bad!!
Our goal is not to scare anyone-merely to inform people so we can turn Whatcom County into a LIFEBOAT, a SAFETY NET so neighbors will help neighbors. Our goal is to keep the peace, prevent local martial law, and make Whatcom an even BETTER place to live than it already is, regardless of the impact the crashing dollar might have.
I’d like some assistance from the County Council in getting answers to several questions submitted to Sheriff Bill Elfo, and to the Department of Homeland Security via Port Director Omar Longorio, and Tom Schreiber that people in Point Roberts especially need answers to.
You’ll be glad to know that there is a silver lining inside the otherwise very dark cloud.
Active preparation for a possible economic collapse would help make our County an even better place than it already is, regardless of whether or not the worst happens.
The silver lining comes in several forms:
1. We already have a Local Exchange Trading System (“LETS”) up and running. This is a “parallel economy” intended to foster more local commerce/ neighbors helping neighbors that we can all participate in and it will help insulate us from the potentially life threatening impact of a crash of the dollar. We urge widespread participation in the Fourth Corner Exchange http://www.fourthcornerexchange.com/
If some people don’t like the lack of privacy afforded by this system, we could work to create our own alternative currency modeled after the Berkshare in Massachusetts http://www.berkshares.org/ , the Ithaca Hour http://www.ithacahours.com/
or several other examples of local currencies.
The book Local Money- How to Make it Happen in Your Community by Peter North www.transitionbooks.net is a valuable resource. It discusses several different LETs systems as well as alternative currencies. In Argentina, after their financial crash, these systems were widely employed by people to lessen the level of chaos.
Between 1998- 2005 Argentinas economy was in total chaos. In December 2001, the IMF couldn’t do any more to help, and the government attempted to raid private pension funds to pay down the debt. When a bank run occurred, the government blocked people from removing their money. Barter networks described in Local Money saved the day. We must learn from their example!
2. We have a wonderful Social Networking site www.transitionwhatcom.ning.com where nearly 1,000 local people are already addressing many of the questions we must all look at in case of an economic crash. There are several groups on this site including groups about Permaculture, Backyard chickens, alternative health and healing, alternative energy and others that are valuable resources! I posted this alert about the threat of a financial crash in the “General” section of the site and immediately people began responding http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/forum/topics/alert-whatcom-citize...
3. In Point Roberts there is a group called PREP (Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness Group) http://www.prepgroup.org/ While PREP has been doing a good job alerting people to the possability of a natural disaster (eg Earthquake, Mt.Baker Blowing Up, Floods), thus far, they haven’t seen the wisdom of expanding their mandate to go beyond this to also alert people to the much likelier possability of a MAN MADE disaster in the form of a total collapse of the US currency. I sincerely hope PREP will see the wisdom of making this change in the future, because their website could be used to help organize people locally.
Unless we proactively prepare, we could come under martial law with rioting and looting throughout Whatcom County. Lets work together to prevent this! Lets seize our destiny and make Whatcom County a better, safer place to live no matter what might unfold! We are not powerless to shape our destinies!
You might wonder how we came to be in this dangerous situation where our currency is imploding, and where the threat of hyperinflation threatens to lead to civil unrest and martial law.
This hard hitting half hour cartoon/documentary titled “The American Dream” by the Provacateur Network explains things we all need to know about the history of the fractional reserve banking system, how this ponzi scheme was foisted off on the people of the world including America, how corrupt it is, and how it now threatens all of our lives as the dollar is literally imploding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPWH5TlbloU
President Andrew Jackson tried very hard to keep the central bankers out of America, and devoted much of his energy during his Presidency towards that effort, recognizing the huge threat they posed to our future freedom, indeed, to our lives.
Andrew Jackson, said "Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves."
As president, Andrew Jackson ran his campaign with the promise of keeping the "Federal Reserve" of his time from establishing itself in our young country's history. Not once but twice they tried to kill him. Whoever thinks, that might be a clue, to their criminality...raise your hand?
Unfortunately, Woodrow Wilson sold us out, just so he could be president and allowed the international banksters to buy our nation, putting every American citizen in debt. Since 1913, our country has been under the tyrannical thumb of the Federal Reserve…..
In ’71 Nixon took us off the Gold standard. That caused the first huge spike in inflation. The next big one came in ’05 (the Greenspan Put). That and bad lending practices triggered the bursting of the housing bubble, which caused the ’05 financial crisis.
The Federal Reserve temporarily kept us from going into hyperinflation by monetizing debt with Qualitative Easing One. That temporarily kept us out of hyperinflation by expanding the money supply, but now, after QE2, with the Fed monetizing debt to create $600 Billion out of thin air, the writing is on the wall for the dollar as this will put nearly double the number of dollars in circulation just as oil could be doubling in price, and right as we’re in the midst of a global food shortage that is causing a sharp rise in commodity prices.
In 2011, with the China, Japan and other countries no longer willing to buy our Bonds, the Federal Reserve has been monetizing debt by buying the bonds that no one else will touch- THEMSELVES- and THAT is setting us up for the total destruction of our currency.
THE BANKRUPTCY OF THE UNITED STATES IS NOW CERTAIN http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17468
2010 GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS FOR DUMMIES http://www.marketskeptics.com/2009/12/2010-food-crisis-for-dummies....
“Poor Mans Way To Prepare for Hyperinflation” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfrBi4IqryM&NR=1&feature=fvwp
We urge you to join the discussion threads on this and related topics at http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/forum/topics/peak-dollar
We urge all of you to get involved with open County Council Meetings http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/council/index.jsp so we can work together closely to address these issues for the common good.
We also urge you to consider joining the Fourth Corner Exchange (Local Exchange Trading System) at http://www.fourthcornerexchange.com/index.php All of us in Whatcom County will be somewhat insulated from the possible crash if we work harder to create our own parallel economy as part of our local safety net.
(If you want this letter emailed to you so you can click on the hypertext links, please email us at_______________________. This message can also be downloaded from the County Council Website at_____________________________. If you don’t have a computer please use one at the library, a friends house or a cyber café to view the links.)
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