Transition Whatcom

Transition Whatcom Book Study Group

Event Details

Transition Whatcom Book Study Group

Time: December 6, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: Fairhaven Public Library- Northwest Room
Street: 1117 12th St
City/Town: Bellingham WA
Website or Map: http://www.bellinghampublicli…
Phone: 360 778 7188
Event Type: book, group
Organized By: TWOG
Latest Activity: Dec 8, 2012

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Event Description

Join us on Thursday, Dec 6th at 6:30PM as we study The Transition Companion, by Rob Hopkins. (review)

  • Win #1 - You will learn the history and principles behind the Transition Town movement, which is transforming communities around the world.
  • Win #2 - You will learn what other communities are actually doing -- what worked well, what didn't.
  • Win #3 - You will explore the Head (what do we need to know?), the Heart (how do we feel and how do we relate to one another?), and the Hands (what do we need to DO?) of Transition.
  • Win #4 - You will connect with other Transition Whatcom folks (including the TWOG: TW Organizing Group) and begin envisioning a more resilient and vibrant community here in Whatcom County and your neighborhood.

We are currently planning to meet the first Thursday of the month (once per month) from 6:30 to 8:00pm.  There is some flexibility here, depending on need and interest.

Ownership of the book would be helpful, but not necessary.  If you have the earlier Transition Handbook, we will have some comparison between the two.  Many important parts of the Transition Companion are available online as the Transition Ingredients.

If you'd like to purchase the book, please consider purchasing from the TW Bookstore page here (via Village Books).  Purchases from our bookstore support both TW and our locally owned independent bookstore.

Enter the Library thru the side access door since this is an after hours event. You can call Warren (650 380 3231) with any questions.

This is an Open Group. Drop-Ins are welcome!

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Comment by Sarai Stevens on December 5, 2012 at 11:13am

Hi David,

Thank you for the invite.  I have my son's Christmas program that night and am unable to attend this month.  Last February I did create a little presentation for a Transition Fidalgo Seventh Generation Supper based on the "ingredients" in the book and how Chuckanut Transition uses them in their efforts.  I would enjoy sharing it sometime.


Comment by David MacLeod on December 4, 2012 at 11:12pm

If you have the book, please try to read the Introduction and Chapter 1 ("A Potted History of Transition").  Come prepared to share your favorite paragraph from this section of the book, or your burning question.

This study group is free. TW is covering the expense of renting the space, but there will be a donation jar for those who would like to help defray this cost.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all!

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