Time: December 12, 2010 from 12pm to 3pm
Location: The Oasis Sustainable Living community
Street: 901 22nd St.
City/Town: bellingham, Wa
Phone: (360)610-3700
Event Type: workshop/workparty
Organized By: Nick Spring
Latest Activity: Dec 12, 2010
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Shiitake Log Inoculation Workparty
Join BUGS, Cascadia Mushrooms and the Oasis sustainable living community for a fun afternoon of fungi inoculation. Join us at the Oasis, for a log inoculation workparty. This will be an informal work-party. Feel free to bring food or drink to share. Shiitakes are delectable edible fungi, as well as prized medicinal. Participates will be able to take logs home, so they can continue to grow their own mushrooms. RSVP is necessary as space is limited. Contact nick@bellinghamurbangardens.org
Where: The Oasis 901 22nd st. Bellingham, Wa
When: Sunday, Dec. 12th at 12:00 pm
Cost: $5 per participant
Is this event still a go given the unrelenting rain? Is it to be held indoors or should we come dressed for the weather?
sounds good kate. I'll see you there.!
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