Time: August 26, 2014 from 3pm to 5pm
Location: Inspiration Farm
Street: 619 E. Laurel Rd.
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: http://www.inspirationfarm.com
Phone: 733-3541
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: David MacLeod
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2014
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Tuesday, August 26, 3:00 PM
At Inspiration Farm
(as part of the "Permaculture Living and Learning Seminars")
619 E. Laurel Rd.
$50, Pre-registration required
PatternDynamics™ is an Integral Sustainability Pattern Language that is rooted in Permaculture principles and ethics. It's a smart, accessible, and fun way to learn collaborative systems thinking.
At the workshop you will gain essential 21st Century skills:
What will I experience at the Workshop?
The PatternDynamics™ Afternoon Workshop is a participatory group process that includes introduction to the Patterns, group discussion, and a simple set of movements related to each Pattern. In learning to use the Patterns participants collectively embody, discuss, and experiment with the organizing principles that sustain complex dynamic systems and experience the collective awareness and deep meaning generated through participating in a highly unified organization.
For More Information
Learn how to become a more effective change agent - and contribute to personal, organizational, and planetary thriving in a complex world! Visit the Pattern Dynamics website to learn more and download the free workbook.
David MacLeod is the first individual outside of Australia to be accredited to lead the PatternDynamics Level 1 workshop. David received his Permaculture Design Certificate at Inspiration Farm in 2009.
Learn about the other seminars offered at Inspiration Farm on Aug. 25th and 26th here. Pre-registration Required, $50 each workshop or $125 for the whole day. Choose from three of the nine subjects.
Co-sponsored by Transition Whatcom, and scheduled as a follow-on to the Whatcom Skillshare Faire/Permaculture Convergence.
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