Transition Whatcom

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward @ Pickford Film Center - FREE SHOWING - 4.18 - 8:00PM

I have managed, with the cooperation of The Zeitgeist Movement and Pickford Film Center, to arrange for a FREE SHOWING of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.  You should realize, based on the fact that I’ve put my energy into this, that I believe this film to be of utmost import.  Please read my writeup for the Pickford HERE.  If you know of anyone who might enjoy viewing this film for free at the Pickford, please pass this along to them too.  There will also be a discussion following the film, probably at Grand Ave. Alehouse.  This will be a night to remember – I hope I see you there.


-          Best regards,



1-Minute Trailer:



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Hi! How will the Pickford movie be different then the Zeitgeist online films that are posted on TW back in Sept 2009?


Thanks Ethan for sharing the date/time/place of the April pickford showing.

Well, for starters, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward was just released in January - it's a new film, the 3rd in the series.  It was released simultaneously in over 60 countries in more than 20 languages.  That said however, anyone can view all of the Zeitgeist films online for free at  I wanted to get it at the Pickford because it provides a great venue for people to get together and view this tremendous film together, then discuss it afterwards if they so choose.  This really is THE film when it comes to sustainability - it discusses sustainability from a macroscopic viewpoint seldom discussed - ALL aspects of unsustainable life, not just one or another.  And since we know everything is connected, in my opinion, this is the ONLY way to discuss unsustainability.  It's time we stopped attempting to treat symptoms and really took a hard look at the CAUSES of our problems.  This film does just that.

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