Transition Whatcom

Hi all;


 I just wanted to be sure that you all know that there is a very large and thriving Food security network that has been evolving in the Greater Vancouver BC region. I was at the standing room only out into the hall session about it at the 2008 Metro Vancouver sustainability summit.   and again at the Gaining ground summits. - which are held each year.


There may be some info to be gleaned from, and to share with their various groups based on what individual groups have learned over the  years, Since we are all in this together, ( I can see BC mountains from here, and they can see Mt. Baker ) It just seems to make sense.

If you already have this in motion, that's great! If not,  IF Whomever among you is at the helm here would like a warm intro to some of their key players just let me know.

 I am all over the map with sustainability as a connector of people and groups and while I don't consider myself in expert at any single one, I do have a hugely diverse network of BC contacts.

Cheers !  Scott

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Thanks Scott!  Oh we're all volunteer here, like you. 

 Often we find some strong folks in front of the flock...I''m not one of them as I often pick up the rear.

If you come across any  BC links or names that you want to pass on, you can share them here...or trying sharing with Laura R.   Does BC area have much of an awareness of the 'peak energy' and 'peak everything' issues in regards to Regional food security?

Hi Heather;

Yes they are aware, and working in many seemingly separate ways. - A quick list of intiatives in BC can be found by just googling  ' transition vancouver food security,' Victoria is also spreading the word and getting people informed and organized. They Call Vancouvers Transition group VV Village Vancouver, there is a Village Kitsalano, etc. etc.  They All seem to be connected and part of the transition towns TT as in  and off shoots of it that are said to have originated at Bradford Univ in 2006.

 It appears to be part of what prompted the writing of The transition handbook by Rob Hopkins

  Loosely connected are actions like: which is Kwantlen polytech University's site on food security )

I now have joined with the GLTIA Global transition in action group to find more leads on who's is doing what globally. 

 It seems like maybe delegates from each 'group' in the Transition movements need to have a common posting place to glean and share successes and wastes of time and energy.


 This GLTIA  may be trying to be that info link or at least I'm hoping so, I'll ask them If that is their plan...


 - Scott


Heather K said:

Thanks Scott!  Oh we're all volunteer here, like you. 

 Often we find some strong folks in front of the flock...I''m not one of them as I often pick up the rear.

If you come across any  BC links or names that you want to pass on, you can share them here...or trying sharing with Laura R.   Does BC area have much of an awareness of the 'peak energy' and 'peak everything' issues in regards to Regional food security?


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