Transition Whatcom

Hey y'all,

The TWOG has sent out a survey to all workgroups and I thought I'd post it on here to get your input on some of the questions.  Please join the discussion!

  1. What do you want and/or need from the TWOG? Please be open, honest, and specific. We want to support you in the most helpful and meaningful way possible!

  1. Please identify the interest level and any specific skills in your group regarding preparation of the Energy Descent Action Plan. Following the Transition Principles of
    Inclusion and Openness and Self-Organization, we wish to invite
    anyone and everyone to be a part of crafting the Transition Whatcom
    Energy Descent Action Plan, which we plan to do over the next couple
    of years. Consider this the first of many invitations to
    participate in the EDAP.

  1. Would a designated Transition Whatcom space/group meeting place assist you in your work?

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If we had an internal poster-ing network, we could cover more ground in less time by swapping posters/flyers (at least when we've got a lot of events going on at the same time). Likewise with tabling, as that occurs more, if we have a way to swap propaganda, we can represent each others' groups to some degree. For example i sent copies of our Move your Money brochure with Warren who's tabling at an alternative transportation event up at WWU. not directly related but still potentially useful.

Would it be useful if workgroups reported to the TWOG or a council committee every month what they're actively working on, so the right hand knows what the left hand is doing? I think the original vision was for a lot of this cross-pollination to occur at council gatherings (coming soon) but perhaps it would be more effective if it came to our inboxes as a newsletter beforehand. This could facilitate more effective use of time at the gatherings, help keep up the hype, and give really active groups social "props."

It might be good to offer brainstorming help. Like when we were stuck over whether we needed a lawyer or not and how we'd get one if we did--if we'd invited a fresh mind into our discussion, maybe we'd have reached an innovative solution. It wouldn't necessarily need to be a twog or a committee, maybe it could just be posted on the workgroup group and see who's inspired to drop in and offer a fresh perspective.

Back in May, Shirley, Judith and I were the only members, and at that time we discussed our contribution to the EDAP. We said then that we wanted to contribute. I still think we could make a meaningful contribution, especially in tandem with a business-oriented segment that has yet to be born. Perhaps it would be a shorter chapter than the food, energy, or transportation chapters, but i still think it's important.

I think we're doing just fine without an office space, if that's what the question's about. i could see value in having a place to create a Transition library, big meeting/party space, Co-op shop and tool shed, but I've been quite comfortable meeting at the Connections building (although most of you live farther away from it than me. Does it work for you?)

That's all that's coming up right now for me. What do you guys think?
Hello, thank you, Caitlin for taking on the leadership role. It always feels good to spread out to newer members.

I completed this survey for Transition Ferndale and...

1. I am not as aware of the role of the TWOG as Laura and am hard put to figure out what I want from them. I do miss the All-TW meetings we had last year. I am energized by talking with people who are following their transition path. I need to feel part of a transition community at the county level too. So for Personal Finance this means I need to view it as part of the larger picture not just a small group floating out in space. We say we represent Transition Whatcom but no one in the larger group really knows what we are doing. I'm rambling and obviously don't understand the role of the TWOG.

2. The Personal Finance piece is important in the EDAP. I haven't found it in the EDAP's I have looked at online (but it has been a while since I looked for them). Our group has documented our concerns and ideas and could contribute to this part of the EDAP. A sustainable local economy is also important and needs to be addressed separately.

3. I'm comfortable using the Connections building for meetings. When you live outside of Bellingham, the actual location within Bellingham becomes a mute point.
I suppose at this point we can consider this discussion concluded? I think we might be the only group that discussed the survey, other conveners just filled it out. If you feel finished, I don't mind collecting the info off here and getting it to the right TWOG member if that would be helpful Caitlin.
Yeah I sent it off to the TWOGger last week. Guess maybe I should have posted something about that.


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