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Add your Ideas & Resources for reducing your energy use, creating a smaller carbon/earth footprint, and restoration steps towards 'Global Cooling" and Cultural Integration.

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Some Online Resources Discussions are within the group: 'Lights Out & Energy Quantification'.

Resources include ways to calculate energy useage/carbon footrprint.
(Also read the comment left by Ehben Eliot in regards to measuring your carbon footprint)
Hi Heather,
What's your idea?
Love, Juliet
I would like to maybe sit with a group and really help each other figure out our Truest Carbon Footprint. Then personally, I would like to set reduction goals for myself - I think it would really help me prioritize what I use. You have the 'low hanging fruit' of course, processed foods, new clothes, meat. Can I count something I already gave up? (ah, the bargaining stage!)
This appears to be the same discussion going on on the Energy Addicts group---Heather, would you mind if we keep the recovery from energy addiction stuff on one Group? Otherwise, it can be confusing when two groups are so similar.
Re calculations of carbon footprints: I'm not convinced any of these calculations really reflect the true cost of harmful effects on the environment, and on the health of the local human, animal & plant communities where many of our products & energy sources come from! But the calcuations can be a start in our collective awakening.

Re Kates comment below: its possibly you have missed that this is part of the "Energy Addicts Group, and is a place to compile our 'Resources & Ideas', so they are easier for others who join later to access.

My first posting was to refer us to a link that showed some ways to calculate energy useage/carbon footrprint, that was posted before this group was started.

Kate Clark said:
This appears to be the same discussion going on on the Energy Addicts group---Heather, would you mind if we keep the recovery from energy addiction stuff on one Group? Otherwise, it can be confusing when two groups are so similar.
Heather- sorry we missed you today. We are meeting on the 15th at the Public Market in town here. We talked a bit about the distance thing, and are hoping that as times goes on we can start our own 'home groups' nearer where we live. I misunderstood the discussions/group/forum connection- sometimes this ning site is over my head!

Heather K said:
Re calculations of carbon footprints: I'm not convinced any of these calculations really reflect the true cost of harmful effects on the environment, and on the health of the local human, animal & plant communities where many of our products & energy sources come from! But the calcuations can be a start in our collective awakening.

Re Kates comment below: its possibly you have missed that this is part of the "Energy Addicts Group, and is a place to compile our 'Resources & Ideas', so they are easier for others who join later to access.

My first posting was to refer us to a link that showed some ways to calculate energy useage/carbon footrprint, that was posted before this group was started.

Kate Clark said:
This appears to be the same discussion going on on the Energy Addicts group---Heather, would you mind if we keep the recovery from energy addiction stuff on one Group? Otherwise, it can be confusing when two groups are so similar.


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