Transition Whatcom

John Rawlins
  • Male
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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John Rawlins's Friends

  • Tyrone LaFay
  • Shenandoah Myrick
  • David Waugh
  • Cindi Landreth
  • Kate Clark
  • David MacLeod

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John Rawlins's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I write about peak oil impacts at Whatcom Watch.
I give community presentations about peak oil/climate change.
I'm learning about small-scale veggie production and permaculture.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I'm retired and attempting to produce more and more food as sustainably as possible. Study of peak oil and impacts convinced me that we need to do this asap.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
My main contribution to TW will likely be making presentations to interested participants about peak oil, climate change, and the necessity for learning sustainable living skills.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Fazon Lake area on Hemmi, between EversonGoshen and Mission roads.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
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At 1:25pm on September 21, 2009, Heather K said…
Hi John! thanks for the invite to the neighborhood gathering! I was offline at the time you wrote.

I've just returned from 3 weeks of doing my ecological field studies/observations on the Olympic Peninsula while camping and living among the forest river-valley life & the shorelines.

I also attended a Primitive Skills weekend & the Permaculture Convergence.

I'm just barely getting back online again & behind on many emails, but I'm now accessable to the phone!

I rejoice in my return to the Salish Sea Watershed home among the salmon peoples!
At 11:41pm on August 26, 2009, Jean Elizabeth Brechan said…
Hey, John. Good to see you on this page! Jean
At 5:15pm on August 26, 2009, Heather K said…
Hi John, I am interested in connecting with our watershed "Harmony" neighbors. That would be those of us in the shared rural watersheds
of NE Squalicum Mt & NW Stewart Mt.
whick drains into Anderson Creek (streaming into Nooksack), and drains into Agate Bay-Carpenter-Olsen-Smith Creeks.
There are a few of us upstream from you and closest grange would be Rome. (ie. rural communities of Goshen - Rome - Agate Bay - Sunnyside - Harmony). I'm great with reading topo maps & understanding watersheds. Let me know if you are interested in connecting with a few other folks upstream & up-mountain from you.
At 6:24pm on August 6, 2009, Cindi Landreth said…
Hi John - Welcome to Transition Whatcom - I understand there are several of you out there in Goshen that are taking the initiative to start transitioning together. I am very excited to know this! I would love to see a Transition Goshen show up on under the Group tab. We now have initiatives starting in Blaine, Laurel, Goshen, Maple Falls, Glacier and the York neighborhood of Bellingham. I think it would help people that are new to Transition Whatcom find others in their area if each area had a Group going on. Care to create one? It is easy. Also, TW is setting up a meeting for TW to meet all the TIs just starting up in Whatcom County. I mentioned it to Virginia and she expressed interest in attending. We are also setting up a meeting with the new TIs for learning how to use a ning site. We will be contacting you all for both of those meetings. I hope you are well and enjoying this rather odd weather pattern we are having - seems like we are about 1 month off of our normal pattern. We may have just gotten into typical September weather.
At 4:36pm on August 1, 2009, Kate Clark said…
Hey John- welcome aboard the Transition express. Woooo

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