Transition Whatcom

As Winter approaches, my thoughts turn towards obtaining firewood. I could buy some, but before I do, Perhaps I could barter. My wife Kim (who some of you know through her cupcakes brought to our monthly gatherings), has volunteered the following services: ready to reheat meals (she is a professional chef and baker), and/or cake/cupcake decorating. In addition, I have the following skills, Handyman (I have been in construction for 15 years and can do most all phases of construction to include light electrical and plumbing, cement work & finishing, roofing, siding, deck work, etc. (small jobs preferred as I work full time).


By the way, I think that maybe we should also form a barter group here on the ning site. what do you think?

Views: 58


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Comment by Sandie Ledray on October 2, 2009 at 10:32pm
Would be interested in speaking w/you about an exchange of firewood for some simple framing, etc.

Comment by Renata Beata Kowalczyk on September 29, 2009 at 3:49pm
Thank you Heather and Travis for sharing your experiences with Fourth Corner Exchange. We are part of Transition Whatcom and Sustainable Connections with almost now 900 members that span all the way to Hawai.
Keith, check us out on and you can contact me with any questions at
Comment by Travis Linds on September 27, 2009 at 10:39pm
otherwise, there is always the Barter section of Craigslist, as you know :)
Comment by Travis Linds on September 27, 2009 at 10:38pm
I just joined the fourthcornerexchange and am very excited about it. if you want to barter then this is where you want to be. I already have 2 exchanges underway :)
Comment by Heather K on September 26, 2009 at 11:49pm
Hi Keith! Both you & your spouses skills and offerings to barter are valuable skills. I'm a fan of having more than one currancy to use in a community & country. Locally, we have the standard USD, and we also have the option of using 'life-dollars', through the '' network. Although I've been a member of the exchange for many years and many great exchanges, there could be another currancy or exchange created, if someone wanted to do all the work. I like the exchange because it is so extremely flexible, ie. I don't have to find someone who has what I want to make a trade. There are others here on the transition ning site that are also members.
If you look up the website it will have the information to any questions you have, and how to become a member. Be sure to look under the 'offering' section.
I have both given & received wood on the exchange. If you join, we have some wood rounds that could be traded.

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