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John Hammel blog post about POint Roberts



Subject Line: Local & Outside Resources to Assist Point Roberts in Preparing for the Onrushing Economic Collapse

Thanks for this primer on Earthquake preparedness thatPREP just sent out via Point Interface.

In Addition to the Info PREP just sent out about surviving a natural disaster, 
Everyone in Point Roberts (indeed, all over the country and the world) should  also seriously ponder this: 

The military and pentagon are actively preparing for total economic col... .

Oil and gas prices are expected to DOUBLE in the coming year, and we're SEEING this happening every time we go to the pumps. 

We're in the midst of a global food shortage that will break our financial backs: Watch Economic Collapse 2.0 The Coming Food Crisis

Watch: COLLAPSE- documentary film by Michael Ruppert which you can see for free here:
Ruppert is a former Los Angeles Police Detective who blew the whistle on CIA drug smuggling done in LA with complicity from LA PD.
Ruppert is now an investigative journalist.
He predicted the current economic collapse in his newsletter"From the Wilderness"


Google "The Coming Monetary Collapse" There are 74 PAGES containing hundreds of links about  the total economic collapse thats happening all around us, RIGHT NOW!! 

Everyone in Point Roberts should be alerted to this information so they can take steps to:

1. Protect their financial assets.
2. Lay in food reserves.
3. Prepare to grow gardens, and sprouts.
4. Build chicken coops, and take other steps to gear up for shear survival.

5. We'd be smart if we created our own local currency or at the very least tied in with an existing LETS system such as The Fourth Corner Exchange in Bellingham as that would facilitate bartering amongst each other. For more info on this read LOCAL MONEY- How to Make it Happen in Your Community by Peter North  (Contact me if you're interested in this, I have a copy of this book and was once part of a local currency system in Floyd County Virginia.)


We've got some local resources that are noteworthy and which can help us with this situation. One is Sagewood Farms, Tom O'Brien's recently created Community Supported Agriculture venture. Tom is acutely aware of the coming collapse and is actively preparing for it and helping others here to also.

Another is Heart House- which is next door to Neilson's hardware store on the same side of Tyee. Its the yellow house with hearts cut into the shutters. Craig Jacks envisions Heart House as being a hub in the local community, a drop in center from which we can all band together to help each other in the face of the onrushing financial collapse. Craig is acutely aware of the threat. His number is 945-0352, email-

We've got Bloomers Nursery- Connie George is aware of the threat and is getting starts going now for vegetables that can be canned, envisioning the need for people to do Food Storage. 

TRANSITION WHATCOM- Networking on gardening, backyard chickens, canning,aquaponics etc
See my comments to Whatcom County Council and to Sheriff Elfo about pending economic collapse That I Publicly Posted at
See  very good networking for people with chickens

Fourth Corner Exchange- Local Exchange Trading System- Bellingham-- If a lot of us in Point Roberts joined this, it would help buffer us from the coming economic collapse

Fourth Corner Exchange
 is the original Pacific Northwest USA chapter of the Life Currency Cooperative Exchange. Currently there are over eight-hundred participating members, with branches in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio, California in the USA and other local chapters in Canada and Sweden. Founded by Francis Ayleyand a small group of friends in 2002, Fourth Corner Exchange formally started trading in January 2004. From those small beginnings we have grown to over eight-hundred members, exchanging a large selection of goods & servicesthroughout the Pacific Northwest, centered around Bellingham and Port Townsend. 

Our vision:

A world of economic freedom and justice for all, where all communities have access to a fair and equitable universal medium of exchange, issued by the people in sufficiency to meet their own needs and the needs of their communities. 

Now Forming: Point Roberts Chapter: Weston A. Price Foundation  Networking for vegetable gardeners, people with backyard chickens and other livestock, info on how to make nutrient dense foods and beverages including lactofermented foods which are power packed with nutrition such as saurkraut, kimchi, kavass, wheatgrass, sprouts, etc  Contact John Hammell at 945-0352,


There is a wealth of information about Long Term Food Storage at
Also see

There are numerous mailorder companies that specialize in selling food for long term storage. I won't list them here, but they're easily found on the internet.
Locally we've also got COSTCO and CASH AND CARRY RESTAURANT SUPPLY in Bellingham. It makes sense to lay in food reserves NOW while the DOLLAR can still BUY SOMETHING. We're fast being turned into the next Weimar Republic, the next Zimbabwe- its only a matter of time before we hit hyperinflation.

Some good companies to get sprouting seed as well as garden seed from are   West Coast Seeds is in Ladner, and its ok to bring seeds across the border, just ask them to put a sticker on the seeds which indicates to US Customs that they're ok to bring in.

Needless to say, this is just the beginning of a list of information that we should all be working together to compile. Please call, email or drop by if you'd like to discuss any of this. This is an excellent time to get to know your neighbors and to discuss all of this. 

Meet John Doe  is a depression era film starring Gary Cooper/Barbara Stanwyk that emphasizes the extreme importance of neighbors helping neighbors. Watch it for free at the above link. We must think of Point Roberts as a Lifeboat. Now is the time to put the past behind us. We must move past all petty differences, political and otherwise and band together like never before as a community. What is coming at us will be far worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s and 40s. We are fools if we don't prepare.

Please write an article about this for the All Point Bulletin, Meg- no one would accuse you of being an alarmist at this point, we can all see whats happening! We can all see the writing on the wall!

John Hammell
556 Boundary Bay Rd.
Point Roberts WA 98281
800-333-2553 H&W N.America
360-945-0352 local

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