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"Capitalism-A Love Story" now available on dvd

Many of you are most likely already aware of Michael Moore's latest documentary, "Capitalism-A Love Story."

However, if you missed it during its theatrical run, I suggest you will be well rewarded by viewing it on dvd. The reason for saying this is not just the value of looking at our capitalistic economic system with "fresh eyes," which you will get with Moore's trademark humor (and cynicism), but also for the extras contained on the dvd that were not a part of the film.

The titles of the dvd "extras" are tantalizing in and of themselves:

"Sorry 'House Flippers' and Banks-You're Toast in Flint, MI"-a story about the county treasurer tearing down speculator owned derelict houses and converting the space into vegetable gardens--and reviving his community in the process.

"Congressman Cummings Dares to Speak the Unspeakable" (could exploitative capitalism really be seen as the antithesis to democratic ideals?)

"Pulitzer Prize Winner Chris Hedges Talks about the Killing Machine Known as Capitalism"

"The Rich Don't go to Heaven (There's a special place reserved for them)"

"What if, just if, we had listened to Jimmy Carter in 1979?"

"Michael Pollan: "The Omnivore's Dilemma? It's Capitalism" (This segment contains a great pitch for Community Supported Agriculture and community gardens in inner cities).

"Commie Taxi Drivers--'You Talkin' to me?'--in Wisconsin"

"The Socialist Bank--of North Dakota?"

"The Bank Kicks Them out, Max Kicks Them Back In" (A take back the land story featuring a community activist lawyer who fights bank evictions).

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