I worked with Transition Whidbey in 2008 then moved to Iowa to learn about sustainability; now I am back in Skagit county.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
We live from a time of cheap oil and plentiful resources. This type of life will only last so long. We need to change, to be self sufficient and to know the truth about our government, the state of peak oil and ways we can survive without depending on public utilities. I am interested in meeting others interested in a new life survival, spreading the word and seeking the truth.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Skagit county near Clear Lake
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I'd like to let Transition Whatcom people know about a speaker who is coming to Bellingham in October.
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Hi Suzanne, Are you close to Cedar Springs Renewal Center?
Thanks for info on tickets to Mt. Baker, and my apologies for slow response. My friend bought 10 tickets & sold them to her friends!
I saw the movie capitalism last night...recognized my first lizards...both blue & brown eyes....
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Thanks for info on tickets to Mt. Baker, and my apologies for slow response. My friend bought 10 tickets & sold them to her friends!
I saw the movie capitalism last night...recognized my first lizards...both blue & brown eyes....
I am interested in learning the details of listening to the author David Icke. What is the time on Oct 4th, and is there a cost?
Who is the speaker that's coming to Bellingham?