In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
For the love of the Earth
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Not sure.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
New Mexico but hoping to relocate to Bellingham or area
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
From TransitionUS list
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I'm interested in learning about the transition towns movement and would like to get involved in Whatcom transition if I can move there soon.
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At 3:01pm on February 23, 2011, John Hammell said…
Hi Sandy, thats cool that you want to relocate from New Mexico to Bellingham, but you might consider a way cooler place than B'HAM, and that would be the Bob.
The Bob is our name for Point Roberts and we're gonna form our own country soon with our own currency which will be of course "Bob Bucks" because we've basically had enough of Uncle Scam, the Federal Reserve, the governments of the US and Canada, so we've decided to create our own Autonomous Zone. Soon we'll be putting a big banner across our main drag strung between a couple of tall trees. Its gonna say "You Have Just LEFT AMERIKA And Entered The Land of Bob" It will have the website of our new country which will be and if they treat us right, we might invite America and Canada to open embassies here!
If you would consider immigration, give me a call at 800-333-2553 H&W.
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Hi Sandy, thats cool that you want to relocate from New Mexico to Bellingham, but you might consider a way cooler place than B'HAM, and that would be the Bob.
The Bob is our name for Point Roberts and we're gonna form our own country soon with our own currency which will be of course "Bob Bucks" because we've basically had enough of Uncle Scam, the Federal Reserve, the governments of the US and Canada, so we've decided to create our own Autonomous Zone. Soon we'll be putting a big banner across our main drag strung between a couple of tall trees. Its gonna say "You Have Just LEFT AMERIKA And Entered The Land of Bob" It will have the website of our new country which will be and if they treat us right, we might invite America and Canada to open embassies here!
If you would consider immigration, give me a call at 800-333-2553 H&W.
Kind Regards,
Don Quixote- aka John Hammell
The Land of Bob
556 Boundary Bay Rd.
Point Roberts WA 98281 USA