Transition Whatcom

Gary Holloway
  • Male
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Gary Holloway's Friends

  • Stephen Trinkaus
  • Jillian Trinkaus
  • Chris Wolf
  • Cindi Landreth

Gary Holloway's Page

Profile Information

In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I appreciate the Transition movement because it asks individuals to contribute something to help build a stronger community.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I am interested in expanding community garden space and helping individuals utilize their own property to grow edible food. I would love to see all the little strips of grass between the sidewalk and the street across Bellingham turned into edible gardens. What a waste of space!
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
South Hill

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At 9:06pm on November 3, 2009, Cindi Landreth said…
Yes, I have been getting a peak at Terry's belly every now and again! Congratulations! And thank you for passing the word around about TW doing a short presentation at the South Hill NA meeting. I think it will be helpful.
At 6:37pm on November 2, 2009, Cindi Landreth said…
Hi Gary
Rick and I are going to be presenting Transition Whatcom model to the South Hill neighborhood meeting next week - Nov 11th, Wednesday, at the Firehouse. Would you be interested in attending and inviting like minded souls? Mtg starts at 7:15pm.
At 10:25am on May 8, 2009, Chris Wolf said…
Oh, P.S. If you want to come to our walking tour, it is Sat May 16th at 3:00 pm. We are meeting at Franklin Park, which is on Franklin St in the part of York neighborhood south of Lakeway. Hope to see you there!
At 10:23am on May 8, 2009, Chris Wolf said…
Hi Gary,
Here is what I did to start my neighborhood group: I made a flier announcing the start of a food-growing club and listed the benefits: sharing seeds and tools, meeting neighbors, helping each other with garden projects, etc. On the flier I invited everyone to a potluck at my house with a date and time, and also my phone and email. I put a flier on every house in my neighborhood, about 110 houses, and 25 people showed up at the potluck! We introduced ourselves and shared great food and talked about what we would want to offer and gain from this group. I started a Group here on the Transition Whatcom site (give me your email and I will send you an invite to join our Group so you can see it) and collected everyone's email at the potluck so I could invite them to the online group. We use it to communicate garden questions, tool borrowing, extra things we have to give away, etc. Our next event May 16 will be the walking tour of our neighborhood gardens. I want to do potlucks and mini-workshops (ie: composting, canning) every few weeks. Oh-- two friends of mine live in South Hill and I just helped them put in a garden. I will ask them if they are interested in joining up with you.
At 11:04am on May 6, 2009, Chris Wolf said…
Hi Gary, great to see you on Transition Whatcom. I am also very passionate about helping people grow food in all kinds of available spaces. I started a food growing club in my neighborhood, so that we can teach each other about gardening, share tools, give away seeds, etc. It has been very successful-- I held a potluck and 25 people came! Now I know a bunch of my neighbors and we help each other with garden projects. Soon we are having a walking tour of everyone's gardens in the neighborhood. Anyway, my point is that I have been blown away by how much interest people here have in learning to grow food (and raise chickens, keep bees, etc)-- and it has been an amazing way to build community. I am happy to send you the fliers I have made if those would be helpful to you in organizing similar efforts in your neighborhood. There is also a really cool group called BUGS (Bellingham Urban Gardening Syndicate) that would be a great resource.
My phone is 961-9028 or email is

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