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Comment by Sandie Ledray on November 15, 2009 at 5:11pm
Hi Kate, sorry to have missed the event today. It does sound like you might have a branch of quinces grafted onto your tree. They often do have a little soft fuzz on the outside. How do they smell? When ripe, they have a very strong aroma of fresh pineapple. A little taste should be astringent. They are great! Check out the web for recipes for quinces.

Come visit, bring one along!

Comment by Kate Clark on November 8, 2009 at 6:54pm
Hi Sandy
I have a funny little pear tree that is a sort of hybrid of several things, supposed to be three kinds of pears. BUT, one branch has these hard, round, yellow pears that look suspiciously like your quinces! I know quinces have to be cooked to be yours sort of get a soft fuzz on them? Trying to figure out if that's what I have. Are you coming next Sunday to the Walk the Walk event? If so maybe I'll bring one with me so you can look at it.

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