Transition Whatcom

Greetings Southsiders,

The TWOG is hatching a plan to create a monthly, all-Transition Whatcom work party that would rove around the county, where members could lend a hand to other local groups or major projects and installations within TW.  We thought the Center for Local Self-Reliance was a logical and inspiring place to start.  I went and talked with some of them today, and they requested our help installing fence posts and fencing on Saturday, November 6.

My questions to you are:  1) Does TF want to co-sponsor/host this event?  2) Would anyone from TF be willing to help me plan the event and especially, make it a more of a workPARTY than a WORKparty?  I have some ideas but I could really use some help.

I'm creating this discussion space because I'm hoping TW will have a long-term collaboration with CLSR, and this group seemed the right place to start for support.  Also, with a group as big as TW, it's good for the left hand to know what the right hand is doing.

Any thoughts?  Want to meet?

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Hi all, thanks for a lovely workparty and all your help and support in organizing it. I'm a bit sore today! And the CLSR board seems really happy with how much we got done (more than they expected). I'm going to pop out of this group now, since I live in the York, but I look forward to collaborating in the future and I wish you success in your endeavors. May the wind be at your back! Cheers, Laura
...and thanks to Laura, Wil and Joanne for all their efforts. We definitely had a party feel! And, yes, we accomplished more than my wildest dreams could have conjured up. Thank you all.

We can't wait to start gardening, and your efforts put us closer to that dream. Isn't 'transitioning' fun? :-)


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