Transition Whatcom

Everyone one of us who has a good film camera, still camera, audio recorder or pen and paper can create informational guides to re-skilling. 
I offer my camera, editing services and other technology to help document the re-skilling and get it up there for people to see.

If you have any skills that you would want documented that you offer, let me know.
If there is a skill that you would like to see documented and either you know someone who I can film doing it, connect them to me, or ask me to seek someone with the skill so that I can document it.

I need a web developer/designer to help with the creating of the site that will store these videos and make them searchable by content area. I can use Youtube/vimeo for now, but in the future I would like to have our own schnazzy site that we can get income/local currency from to support our endeavors.


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I love this idea and would be willing to help in any way a complete novice can. Perhaps Brian K at Inspiration Farm would be interested in having you film some of the workshops he is presenting. I think you two would be a great collaborative team.
Hi James! What a great offering! It would be great to see this posted as a discussion on the main TW page for all to see, or as a personal blog....I'm sure the reskilling group would be interested.
I have a camera, and I'm moving towards obtaining a video camera, and would be interested in learning how to help video at some of the classes & events! (ps...I'm a guest here as I rarely make it up to the homes & gardens in Ferndale)


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