Transition Whatcom

Recommended  Seed-Saving Books, Videos, & Websites:
"Seed Sources/Farms for Open-Pollinated Varieties & Seed-Savers Preserving Biodiversity" see discussion at -


“Gardens of Destiny” youtube with Dan Janson of Salt Spring Islands, series of 8. Inspiring to watch!

Seed Savers Exchange Webinars  Multiple recorded webinars from basic seed-saving & seed-storage to more advanced seed saving.  Highly recommended for beginners & intermediate.


Organic Seed Alliance printable publications:

Especially see "A Seed Saving Guide for Farmers & Gardeners"

Benefits of Saving Open Pollinated Heirloom Seeds

"Seed Saving Basics" - Mauid Powell-(One Page Summary) OrgegonStateU-  .


Views: 69

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Salt Spring Seeds - Seed-Saving Videos - video by Raven
featuring Dan Jason and Megan Hyslop - website and Web Work by Kmax
- at least 22 seperate videos from tomatoes, lettuce, grain, sunflowers, grains, beans, flowers & medicinals
Here's the link:

"Saving seeds should now be our work and delight." -
Dan Jason
"The task of reinventing agriculture is a necessary and crucial one. Probably the most meaningful endeavor for humanity at this time is replanting the global garden. ... Seeds are perhaps the most potent beginning point we have now. They can light the way to growing high quality crops tht are not dependent on unsustainable herbicides and pesticides. They have the power to feed, clothe and shelter us. They have the power to clean our air and water." - Dan Jason

"What you basically do when you save seeds is this:
you go to the seeds when they are ready and get them;
you make sure they're really dry, and then you store
them. It's as simple as that, but..."
- Dan Jason
... but we thought we'd present some video to
embellish, colour and inspire the story. These videos
should give you a good general sense of seed saving
technique. We hope they will inspire and facilitate
your seed saving adventures and turn you on to the
simplicity, delight and power of this wonderful art.
With joy, Raven, Dan, Meghan and Ken.
The above quotations are from "SAVING SEEDS as if our lives depended on it", by Dan Jason. For more information, or to obtain the book, go to">, and look under "BOOKS".
Winter Wheat - Harvesting & Threshing Video
Posted by Walter Haugen on July 31, 2009 at 8:28am in Food and Agriculture
Peggy Borgens and I did a video on harvesting, threshing and winnowing your own wheat. What I did last year was grow grain and dry beans and allow people to come out and harvest it by hand and give me half in payment. This year, I found a used chipper/shredder for $50 and it works like a charm. The focus here is on a subsistence level. Here is the link:

Seed Saver Webinars  Multiple recorded webinars from basic seed-saving & seed-storage to more advanced seed saving.  Highly recommended for beginners & intermediate.


Organic Seed Alliance printable publications:

Especially see "A Seed Saving Guide for Farmers & Gardeners"

* "Seed Saving Basics" -one page summary- -  .  Mauid Powell- OrgegonStateU

* Benefits of Saving Open-Pollinated & Heirloom Seeds - Summary-  .


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